
I'm a 15 Y.O. male and I've noticed attitude changes what would this be called and why?

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Im a 15 Y.O male and I've noticed attitude changes I'm getting irretated with people easiser than normal and starting to want to be alone more and all this is not normal to me




  1. it's called growing up you don't want to be friends with all those immature people and you want to get on with life.

  2. Definitely brain cancer. You have 8 weeks to live.

  3. its puberty. enjoy it. lol

  4. puberty

    different levels of hormones are taking a tole on your body causing you to go through different emotions constantly. Everyone goes through it, dont worry about it too much.

  5. puberty lol hey all guys go through it eventualy its completly normal!  

  6. Its possible you are going thru the initial stages of becoming an ******.

  7. Growing up

    answer mine;...

  8. Part of growing up, it's just a phase and will go away over time

  9. its called hormones hun!  You are a young man with raging hormones ! thats all I can tell you !  As you get older you will figure it all out and learn to control them before they control you!

    good luck! teenage years SUCK btw!

  10. Mood swings

    getting this beacausee you are going through puberty

  11. stop duhhhhhhhhhhhh

  12. well considering you are 15, i'm guessing you are going through puberty. most people don't believe it, but guys get emotional as adolescents just as easy as girls. :]

  13. hormones

  14. It's just hormones. Happens to girls, too.

  15. hormonal unbalance. most teens get mood swings, its fine. just try to notice when it happens so you can control it a little. it will pass in time.

  16. have you been spending alot of time on your computer, cell phone, etc. and/ or just being alone alot? don't use your computer and whatever else for one week (or if absolutely neccessary as little as possible) and spend time with your friends alot during that week, and keep yourself as occupied with having fun with your friends as much as possible during the week (this dosn't include using cellphones or computers, although you can use mp3 players and such) this might help & i hope it does:)

  17. Hormones Hormones Hormones. They stink. Everyone gets them and everyone feels that way. It's okay to have mood swings.  

  18. Dude its call Hormones and devolping your'e own personality and becomeing you  

  19. its called adolsence.  puberty.


  20. it's normal! it's just puberty; you're growing up.

    happens to everyone, don't worry bout it.

  21. it's called growing up.

    or hormones.

    or you don't have enough sleep.

    my brother is acting the exact same way.

  22. hormones.


    its normal, trust me.

    i went through the SAME exact thing.

    i couldnt stand being around my mom, i wanted the house to myself, i prefered being alone, i was starting to not like people, i got annoyed easily, and stuff like that. its normal, and it doesnt last forever. theres nothing to worry about.


    puberty, growing up.

  24. 15 sucks. you are changing and everything can get out of whack and weird.

    You are morphing from child to adult and it is not a fun process.

    Try to be patient with yourself and especially your parents, they love you more than anyone.

    This is the time when you usually start to hate them, but you'll grow out of it.  

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