
I'm a 16 y/o girl and I just found out I'm pregnant. What should I do?

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Hi. uhh... ive only posted a few things before so bear with me

im 16 and i just found out that my boyfriend (he's 18) got me pregnant. we had s*x and i told him to use a condom but he didnt have any so we just did it anyway. i remembered them talking in health class about how you have to be in the middle of your cycle or something to get pregnant and i had just finished my period so i thought i'd be ok. now im pregnant though and i don't know what to do. i haven't told my bf yet and i haven't told my parents yet. it was an accident and i want to have an abortion but my parents are huge religious freaks and theyll kick me out of the house if i get an abortion. im worried my dad is going to be so mad when he finds out that he'll yell and hit me. i don't know what to do. please help!!!!

- a confused and worried teenage girl




  1. I think you have way too much time on your hands!!!

    You didnt get pregnant by ear s*x did you??

    If you had a look at other questions they asked you would realise why i said that!

  2. It sounds to me like you have no choice but to tell your parents but it would be a good idea to have your boyfriend there for support and he needs to take responsibility.

  3. This is a big  concern  parents not having a good talking relationship with their  children. how did you  find out you where  positively pregnant?

    You really have no choice but to talk to your boyfriend and then your parents. If you want to keep the child there is no getting out of this

  4. If your dad hits you, you should want to move out.

    That's wrong! Don't do abortion, it's like murder

  5. well like you i can't even imagine how bad my parents reaction would be

    i think it's best that you tell your boyfriend first and then you can worry about how to approach your parents together. After all, it's his fault to and the least he can do is help you to deal with the consequences. As for your parents, if your dad realizes how much it means to you to have an abortion i think he might think twice about throwing you out of the house. but since you need his permission anyways, it won't happen without his consent, so you'll either get to stay (with baby) or have an abortion (with his permission)

    good luck

  6. tell your mom first

  7. Tell your parents, seek counseling (church, support group, counselor, etc.), don't make any rash decisions.

  8. its ok if u are pregnant.But as u are only 16 years old, so the correct age for a women is minimum 18 years.Discuss this issue with any of ur close friend & then discuss this issue with lady doctor & get this baby aborted.

    It is necessary for ur good health.Take care.  

  9. I can't really suggest what to do but I know that everything will be alright.

  10. Have you ever seen Juno?  Do what she did, it will work.

    Love, a concerned answerer

  11. tell your parents, you will regret an abortion for the rest of your life, i had one at 14 and still think of it.  

  12. Girl? Tell your parents and have the baby.

    Yes it will be hard but then again no one said life was easy.

    People and also yourself might say this was a "Mistake"

    but c'mon EVERYONE knows what happens when you have s*x.

    Babies && STD's...

    Dont be stupid.

    And Abortions? Why should the baby die?

    Consider adoption if you KNOW you cant give him/her the life him/her DESERVES.

    Hope i got you thinking a bit more!

  13. whatever ou do dont get an abortion. DO NOT KILL A BABY!!! and did u go to the doctors? or took a test. 1st go to the doctors. make sure anither family member takes u and ask the doctor. and if u r u just have to tell your parents and say that ur sorry and everything. JUST DONT GET AN ABORTION. WUT IF U WERE THAT CHILD AND U WUDNT GET A CHANCE IN LIFE.

  14. RUN LIKE h**l!

  15. Go to Planned Parenthood and ask for a referal to an abortion clinic.  Depending on where u live all info. in confidential

  16. I'm 17 and recently found out I'm pregnant myself.My boyfriend is almost 24...

    We, on the other hand always use protection.However accidents do happen.

    One: You can ALWAYS can pregnant.Cept when you're already pregnant , ahaha, laugh okay?

    Two: offense..but really, you should have been more careful.If you don't want a least make sure you have some sort of protection, please.

    Three: It's definately best to tell your boyfriend and as soon as you possibly can! it's HIS responsibly too.

    Four:My parents are religous and truth be told..I am too.But currently I am looking for information on abortion due to health concerns.

    Five: Accidents...not planned.But accidents usually means you were prepared..I'm really not trying to be mean..I'm not!

    Six: Do NOT allow yoursef to be put in a position to get hurt.You or your baby.No one in life deserves that.So be careful!

    if you care to talk about this, feel free to add me.I'm like ...freaking out myself...God d**n sickness is keeping me up @ 4 am again..

  17. Don't have an abortion please, talk to your parents. It's not the babies fault this happen! Even if the fetus dose not feel yet...seriosly...Only god decides who lives and who dies.

    God bless you and help you through this.

  18. I know it will be difficult, but you'll have to tell your parents, take the lumps, then I'm sure they'll help you.  Good luck....!

  19. Talk to your boyfriend about it first....

    It is his baby too.

  20. Hey,

    I think you should talk to your boyfriend and discuss your options, I mean, there are very few...

    1. Get an abortion

    2. Keep the baby and hope your mom will help you raise it

    3. Put the baby up for adoption

    4. Move in with your boyfriend and care for the baby there

    I hope and know that your decision will be what is right for you.

    Good luck!

    <3 Meghan!

  21. all i can say is, Dont do an abortion.

    thats murder..

    if you dont want the baby, put it up for adoption.

    dont kill a poor innocent child.

  22. Wow...I cant believe that no one has figured it out yet that you're a troll.

    Btw your questions seem to indicate that you are a very bored troll.  Try asking more shocking WTF questions for fun.

  23. good luck

  24. just have your baby. im sure your parents and boyfriend will understand please dont get an abortion. please!!! theres people who cant have kids and you're here trying to kill an innocent human being...please think about it....

  25. ok WTF? abortion is the solution and people who think otherwise can p**s of. because there stuck up there own asses. Say u got rapped?, Abortion isnt the solution?

    ur an idiot if u think it isnt.

    if the baby is like 1-3 weeks id strongly recomend abortion, and its been proven that the baby doesnt think or feel yet.

  26. you have the baby. abortion is not even an option. you have no right to kill ya baby. no abortions. you just hush up and u have it. end of discussion. your life will even out for you.

  27. no offense but that is kinda stupid(the first thing you said)

    but i think to just tell someone older and wiser, not random people on the internet!

  28. well your dad shouldn't hit you if you tell him your pregnant. my advice is to tell your boyfriend first then your parents. but before all that you should pray to God to bless you and forgive you. and help you thru this.

  29. I think that abortion is the path you should head down. Having this child could ruin your life, not to mention the baby's.

    If you don't want your parents to find out, talk to your doctor... s/he will keep it confidential (it's illegal for them to tell anyone else what was discussed during your appointment). Maybe you could work something out with him/her.

    Good luck, I wish you all the best!

  30. has resources for girls in your situation

  31. it is very stupid to have fun and not think of what bad u will cause. u plan on killing your child.... deal with it and become a mother

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