
I'm a 16 yr old male, and i'm really female inside, and I'm scared what do i do?

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I'm scared that if I get plastic surgery, that my lips will look like a fish, and my cheeks will be bigger than the great wall of China. lol. But seriously, i'm so scared that I might look like what people call a "freak of nature" if I try to get Plastic Surgery, or If I look too manly to be a woman, even WITH hormones.

What are the chances that I might look like a weirdo rather than an actual woman? slim? Please help




  1. As I wrote on another question of yours:

    Don't look for answers here.  Especially in Gender and Women's Studies as this place has a lot of misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic jerks.


    Also check out:

    You are not alone.

    Also I would highly suggest working with a gender therapist, they can help you sort things out:

  2. Plastic surgery is not your choice here.  If you decide to go down this road limit it (things like a breast augmentation)

    Anyway I'm ahead of myself here.

    First step, go to a counsellor that deals with gender identity issues.  I used a search engine and found a UK counsellor who has links and an e-mail address.  Try e-mailling and seeing if they know anyone local or what to search for.

    Then go from there.  Second step may be going down transitioning or maybe not...  You're 16 so there's a lot of hormones and you're brain / body hasn't fully settled so still time...

  3. your stil only 16 so i think that you should wait untill your a bit older before you even consider plastic surgery because its permanant.I think wait untill your older and u might relise that you dont even think your a female on theinside or that your just g*y and dont want to be an actual woman.

  4. Sorry, pal, I can't help you with your request. But I will give you a better alternative, and it won't cost a single cent, but you will earn the love and respect of people around you. I am not dogmatic about this, but the more you hide it, the more the agony lingers. So, why just be yourself. Don't pretend. If they find you a little effiminate, so be it, but, please, please, don't flaunt it. Ask God for His directions, because our Lord created only man and woman. I will not judge you, but your condition can be found in the book of Romans chapter one. Please read the whole chapter CAREFULLY & PRAYERFULLY, and I tell you, YOU will be free indeed from your dilemma, and you will thank God in the way He'll liberate you!  I promise you this is TRUE !! This is  true friend speaking.

  5. If you fall in love with women then don't do that! That plastic surgery is stupid believe me! and if you do it have to do it all over and all over again coz like over 5 years maybe the boob will fall a bit down and then you have to do your surgery again and that costs money!!! Shitload of money. So just stay a guy..And don't worry I like guys who are a bit feminine inside you can really talk too them coz they have like more knowledge of guys and girls together so it's like a big luck! :D so stay who you are and be proud off it!

  6. look at all the stars who took that. The chances of becoming a weirdo: 99.9%, chance of becoming a women: .1%, don't do it, you'll ruin your life forever.

  7. Just don't have plastic surgery, be who you are inside, not the outside!

  8. Careful, you could end up looking like Michael Jackson.

  9. umm.. don't worry too much about looks. the important thing is that -- your having fun! enjoy life, dude.

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