
I'm a 19 year old female and I'm balding!!! Help?

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My hair use to be thick and full and now it's thinning and I can notice hair loss... I became a vegetarian a year and a half ago and I do not eat very well... Maybe it has something to do that??? HELP!!




  1. ::sigh::

    Why don't you eat well?  A vegetarian diet can be a healthful diet.

    I recommend you see your doctor and get some blood tests done, to rule out serious medical problems and to check your overall health, vitatmin deficiencies, and etc.  If you won't see a doctor, please at least consult a nutritionist.  Poor diet can definitely cause hair loss.

    Please be kind to yourself.  Good luck.

  2. Could it be a shedding yr or meybe see your chemist, also knwn as dorctor.  

  3. There are a lot of things that can cause hair loss. When did you notice your hair to be thinning?

    Your diet is definitely one. Seeing as how your a vegetarian you should be eating cheese and other sources of protien because you're not eating meat. Luckily you're not a vegan!

    Genetics is also a cause of hair loss. Does your mom, aunt, sister have thinning hair?

    How often do you dye your hair? Bleaching can cause hair loss as it damages it so much. Mixing the wrong dyes can cause baldness too. A girl in my town went to get her hair dyed and when the stylist asked her what dyes she had in it already she lied to her and the end result was her losing her hair in patches. Very unfortunate. Do you swim a lot? The chlorine in a pool can also ruin your hair.

    Another thing is a thyroid problem. Have you gained any weight? You should see your doctor to rule out a thyroid problem as the main symptom for it is hair loss. Getting some bloodwork will allow them to check for it.

    Stress is also a big factor in hair loss. Have you been under any stress at work? School? Family problems? Guy problems?

    Lastly, medications. Think back to when you started noticing your hair thinning... did you start any new meds? Depo Provera can cause hair loss and many others. If you did start new meds look on the internet and the phamplet in the box to check if they have hair loss symptoms.

    Try not to worry though. Go see your doctor. Theres actually quite a few things that can be done about hair loss. :)

  4. To your problem I offer 2 solutions:

    1. Hair Club for Women

    2. Steak

    Of course you have to have protein. Eat a friggin Hamburger and your hair will come back. Nasty. And clean your drains.

  5. Try vitamin E. If you're looking for it to get thicker over night, the quick fix is prenatal vitamins, but those will make you gain weight. Most importantly you should eat better.

  6. Kill something with fur and eat it.

  7. you have to maintain a good diet, since you're a vegan, try adding seaweed in your food and live in a stress free environment, good luck

  8. Diet very much has a role in it. Are you taking any supplements? If not, you should.

    Do see your doctor about this... you are clearly not managing your vegetarian diet well. As well, ask to be referred to a Nutritionist... they will be of great help. (And will respect your diet)

  9. Visit your doctor and he will be able to explain why this is happening. Perhaps you need a little more protein in your diet or zinc. Both thess can be found in the form of tablets and are easily swallowed so yeah... The other chance is that you are nervous and that's why your hair is falling out. That's what happened to one of my cosin's but her doctor put her on some tablets and her hair went back to normal.

  10. You know the answer,why do you insist on being a vegetarian?If,god wanted you tu eat only plants you could be a vegeterian animal.Try to be and act like a human being.

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