
I'm a 25 yo, 280 lb male looking to purchase a motorcycle. What kind, type, etc. would be best suited for me?

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I know I could just go and ask a dealer but I'd rather ask other riders so I could possibley get some real feedback. Im looking for something fast, preferribly a sports bike that is not to expensive and that Ill be able to handle well and thats a pretty recent model.




  1. take a msf safety course first.  and absolutely do not start out with a 1000cc bike.  that's ridiculous.  you have to grow out of a bike not grow into it.  it's safer.  and nothing new for your first bike, you will have damage- maybe minor, but damage just the same.  plus you will want to move up once you have learned

  2. A Boss Hoss is about your size.  

    YOU WILL NOT FIT ON A SPORTBIKE.  Sorry to break the news to you, but unless you are the next Mr. Olympia, your weight and size are incompatible with any race bike.

    Perhaps you should look into a non-motorized bike for a few years first.

  3. The main thing you need to consider is motor size.  Due to you being a large guy, I definitely wouldn't get anything smaller than 750 cc and you'd be better off at 1000 cc or better

  4. The best way to choose a bike is to sit on all different types, makes and models, I would suggest taking a basic riders course to get familiar with the concept. The style bike you get is entirely personal preference. 4 wheels move the body 2wheels move the soul! good luck

  5. Harley Davidson, FATBOY.

    Sorry, I couldn't resist that one.

  6. First of all, I would not recommend a newbie go out and buy a shiny new bike.  You're going to be hard on your first bike. You're going to abuse the clutch. You might even drop it a couple of times before you get the feel of it.  I would recommend getting a used bike, maybe 5-10 years old, maybe even with a few bruises and scuffs on it.  After six months or a year you can sell it for about what you paid for it, and by then you'll have a better idea of what you want.

    As for what kind of bike, I'd say 500-750ccs if you do much riding on the freeway, if not, smaller is better.  Bigger bikes are heavier and harder to get used to.  Weight is not a problem as much as height.  I mean any 500cc bike can carry two passengers so 280 lbs is not a problem, but some smaller bikes will feel cramped to you.  You can tell a lot by just sitting on a bike, and ask yourself  "Could I sit in this position for 2 hrs?"  If you sit on a few bikes you'll see there's a huge difference in the ergonomics, the relationship of the seat, handlebars and footpegs.

    REAL sportbikes, like the Suzuki GSX-R, Honda CBR, Yamaha R6 and R1, are wonderful machines, marvels of modern engineering, but they are not for beginners.  They are deadly serious single-purpose machines.  They are not comfortable or easy to ride.  Plus if you happen to drop one it can cost $1500-2000 in replacement plastic body panels (we call it 'tupperware').  If you look at EBay or Craigslist you see a million of these bikes for sale with certain plastic panels missing.

    I would recommend a more 'standard' bike for starting out.  Just your average run-of-the-mill 500cc-750cc bike will easly out-accelerate just about any car, and will handle better than you can handle it.  The Kawasaki Ninja line are good bikes.  The Suzuki GS500 or SV650 are good.  The old Honda Nighthawk 650, 700, 750, they haven't made them for a while and they're getting a little 'long in the tooth' but they were excellent all-around bikes.  These bikes are easy to ride and believe me, you will have just as much fun!  They are not real 'sport bikes' but 'sport-y'.

    Be aware that half of all motorcycle accidents, and half of all fatalities, happen to riders in their first year.  So safety is your prime consideration.  I would strongly recommend the MSF course (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) and you can take their beginner course without even owning a motorcycle--they provide it.  So you'll start out with at least some basic skills.  The rest, of course, you learn by doing. You should have at least a helmet (the cheapest is as safe as the most expensive), a jacket, and a pair of good gloves.

    Good luck!

  7. Check out the Can Am Spyder. Rode one yesterday. A great three wheel bike.

  8. The guy that said you wont fit doesnt know what he's talking about. You can fit any sportbike, as a newbie, I wouldnt pick anything too powerful or too nice as you may tip it over. I've ridden bikes from ninja 250s to Hayabusa and everything in between, and I'm the size of your average NFL lineman. You might look a bit odd on some compared to Dani Pedrosa lookalikes (5 foot tall 100lbs racer), but you can ride them comfortably.

  9. I recommend a Honda 750 Aero ( shaft drive). Possible a Kaw 900 cruiser. Find one that fits you best. Suzuki makes a 50ci bike but I'm not crazy about their cruiser line. Find one that fits you best and go with it. No 1000RRs for a while yet.

  10. Height matters

    and how long you have been riding

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