
I'm a 26 yr old with a 16 month child and i want to go to Oz for a year, what sort of VISA do i need?

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can i get a working visa when i have a dependant?




  1. Oz?  The land of OZ?

  2. You can get a one year working holiday visa, this is what most backpacker get, and it can be issued thorugh your travel agent. But you must supply some information, and be able to prove you have enough money to support yourself if you are unable to find work & a return ticket. (I don't know if this is possible with a child.) With this visa you can only stay in a job for a maximum of 3 months, so it is mainly bar work that most people do & temping if you have the skills.

  3. what the eff is Oz?

  4. You can get a working holiday visa until you are 30 if you are from a country with an agreement with AU i.e. England.  Or you can get sponsored to be a temporary resident on a 457 visa.  Those visas are harder to get because you basically have to have a company sponsor you.  Accountants, doctors, nurses can get them pretty easily so it will depend on your career.

  5. Instead of going into detail explaining all the rules, I suggest you first visit and then if you have further questions post again.

  6. Going to actual Oz or to Australia/Oz? This is a weird question.

  7. you dont need a visa, jsut make a tornado run over your house

  8. Make up your mind. Do you want to move here as per your other question, or do you want to visit?

    Either way, it may be impossible when you have a toddler dependent on you.

    Working holiday visas are intended for tourists who wish to be able to work for additional money. They are for 12 months and you can work in any type of job and can work for up to 6 months (not 3) with a given employer.

    Again, go to for information

  9. Hi :)

    People with the age ranging from 18-30 can apply for this visa.

    An Australian working holiday visa entitles you to travel around Australia (12 months) with the option of part-time or casual employment. This is a temporary visa, temporary visa holders will generally not be entitled to receive public health care.

    Conditions are, that you may not work for the same employer for more than six months; engage in study or training for more than 4 months. And one of the requirements for this visa is that, you must have no dependent children...

    You can see the requirements here

  10. Getting a work visa toAustralia is very difficult .  you must be highly skilled in an area in which they need workers...and even then it can easily take 2 to3 years toget the visa.  There is no such thing as a casual work visa for short periods of tie for low skilled work.There is a working hloiday visa...but i doubt that you can get that with a dependent.  See site below to read about work visas and working holidays.   I believe you will need to change our goals.

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