
I'm a 62 yr old filipina from US went to Phils and met a 40 yr old unmarried man. ?

by Guest66880  |  earlier

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He proposed to me and told me he loves me and wants to stay with me here in US. Should I believe him and petition him to come here in US as soon as possible. Or is he just trying to use me to come here in US. As far as I know, he has no job, no money.

Please let me know your honest opinion. I am so confused.




  1. I hate to say this...but from what you just wrote...he's definitely using you to get seems like you feel the same way.

  2. Unless you love him because you are lonely forget him. Isn't it obvious, he doesn't have a job. He has no future. Do you really want the headache of raising a deadbeat.

  3. No  dont believe this man he want only to go to USA for free i think there is no love  

  4. He is trying to use you.  Please be very careful.

  5. With that age difference, there is some sort of benifit he will receive from you. Either you are a really really atractive person who he would love to hang out with, or you have inheritances that he can acquire, or you are his ticket to the USA,  or all three! If a person had no job or job, he would even marry a Shrek-looking figure to come to a developed nation.

  6. The ladder he is trying to come to the USA and you are his ticket. Don't let him fool you.. Good luck you deserve better.!!

  7. Watch out!! All the warning signs are there!! No job and no money??? You gotta be kidding me. Have you ever heard the phrase"Sugar Mommy"?  The minute he gets his green card, adios!! Unless he's really a bum and doesn't want to work, then he'll be enirely dependent on you the rest of your life. If you really want a Filipino-American within your age group, there are some sites based in the US, and they are single and employed. Even have pics on most of them.

  8. I would advise you to be very careful and proceed with caution if you really have to. As I don't doubt that there are cases of true love, you should also be wise enough too to know that there are many people nowadays who will do anything just to get here in the US.Being younger than you by many years, has no job and money should be enough red flags for you to hesitate.I'll suggest that don't make any hasty decision and be wise.( pinay din ako dito sa US)

  9. Using you.

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