
I'm a Brasilian National and I want to go to Germany, Do I need a Visa?

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I'm a Brasilian National and I want to go to Germany, Do I need a Visa?




  1. YES, and a passport.!!!

  2. I think if you are just visiting you don't but if you want to live there or become a german citizen then you do.

  3. you dont need visa. all you need is big bucks and go to mexico where you can buy hundreds of visas...

  4. Yeah or Mastercard I don't think they take American express

  5. No, you don't.

  6. Yes, you do.

  7. Ignore the "yes, you do"'s.

    Unless you are planning to study there or take up permanent residence, you don't need a visa. Assuming you're just visiting or going as a tourist, the following applies:

    Brazilian citizens do NOT need a visa to enter Germany, however, you must have at least 6 more months of validity on your passport before entering. (Work and resident permits are required if you plan on sticking around. No vaccines required.)

    ENJOY Germany! =)

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