
I'm a Canadian,and I find it quite offensive when Americans say we say "Eh" a lot,but.....?

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I say eh so much in a day that my family sometimes tell me not to.

And all Canadians do not speak French ,it is just most of our second language.

How would Americans like it if i said"EVERYONE IN AMERICA SPEAKS SPANISH!"

I personally don't think they'd like it.Just like us Canadians don't like judgmental b******s.




  1. Well you should be offended by people from your own country because I saw on CBC when watching the olympics there was a commercial about how well canadian citizens know their own country and in the commercial they kept saying "eh".  So obviously people in Canada say it a lot.  It's a fact. So don't get offensive.

  2. I find it offensive when people make broad sweeping generalizations!!! I live in the state of Washington, and I am about 90 miles from the Canadian border.  I often go there to visit friends, and they come to see me.  I do not notice when they say eh, because we have known each other for soooooooooooooooo long.  However, it is a part of who they are, and I love them anyway!  And, just for your information, all people have accents,  It just depends on where you are from that you recognize or, think that someone might have one or not!  So, do not be upset about this, it is so trivial.  All Canadians do not use excessive amounts of eh, and most Americans don't think about it at all!

  3. You're the one being judgemental ..... saying that ALL AMERICANS say that about Canadians.

    Some of us (like me) know that not everyone in canada speaks French.

    And personally, I find it hot when a canadian guy says, "eh". lol

    So... yea.


    Of course you're going to have an accent to us! haha...   If I meet someone from Texas, I'm going to think they have an accent because I'm from Washington D.C...  It's not anything to be worried about or feel offesive over.  It's just our thoughts...    And everywhere you go, people are going to say stereotypes.  I'm Russian, Korean, and Vietnamese.  People make comments on how I love to drink so much d___amn vodka because I'm russian.  Or that I love to clean and I study so much because I have asian in me.


    Just kinda laugh at it....

  4. ok you guys do say eh a lot it we say like a lot and

    I like can't speak Spanish

    But like sometimes well most or the time

    Canadians are much like so much more


  5. Differences between countries are normal. Americans and Canadians are different and similar in some ways. For example, both countries English Accent are considered as American accent. The differences between Canada and the USA is, Canada is one of the Commonwealth countries that uses British English spelling, unlike in the USA (eg. Mom/Mum, Color/Colour,). In my opinion, you should be proud of your country eventhough some people may make fun of it. The "Eh" problem that you're saying is just a trivial problem. It's much more better than other people saying much worser thing. Plus, it's a Canadian culture, why don't you wanna accept it? Why be angry at those A**H***S? They're stupid, and doesn't worth your time and energy to be angry at. Not all Americans are ignorant of the fact that we think Canadians speak French and use "Eh" a lot in their conversation. You just made a wild presumption regarding the Americans there.

  6. some Canadians say "Eh" a lot

    some Americans speak Spanish instead of English

    some Canadians have accent

    some Americans have weight problems

    no one is perfect, you see


  7. Develop a thicker skin. The message I get from your statement is that you probably say, "boo-hoo-hoo" a lot more than you say "eh". Geez, grow up, crybaby.

  8.   Who cares?

      I saw eh multiple times on a daily basis as do all my friends/family.  I speak/read a little French (more Spanish) but i embrace the culture (I'm not from Western Canada haha).  

      It doesn't matter what anyone things about it, be them Americans, Brits, etc.  If you haven't noticed by now everyone in Canada makes fun of each other, just look at all the molson commercials!!  They are funny but hold very little truth.

      One of the posters mentioned making fun of beer drinking and 'eh' and it is true (if you like the comedy you should watch good cop bon cop).  What about newfies?  Do you think they love being made fun of?  What about the 'frogs'?  Its nothing to be hung up on.  I love these differences, everyone is unique, and it is one of the only things we have that isn't Americanised (spelling, media, etc), which to be honest makes me love it all the more.

  9. well i agree with yuri ...

    there will be generalizations and stereotypes always.. i dont think anyone wishes to offend u.. i mean depending where you go in america ppl have different accents.. so yeah we are gonna think that canadians too have accents...

    no need to get offended about ppl saying tht everyone speaks french.. its not a bad thing .. not meant to offend.. i hear canada is rich in culture.. thats a good thing

    chill dude.

  10. i loooove canadian accents :D

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