
I'm a Canadian citizen I want to stay in China working what's the longest type of visa I can get?

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I want to work in China and stay there as long as possible. I want to get a Chinese citzenship eventually and stay there for good.




  1. You cant become a citizen unless you marry a Chinese national, and then you need at least two years.  You can only renew z (working) visas and residence for up to five years, after that, you will be required to come home and cannot apply for a visa again for two years.  

    This rule has been in the books for many years, however with the new regulations - it is now being enforced.  So any "old timer" who tells you otherwise, will soon be responding from their home country.  

    Good luck

  2. You can get a residence permit/visa that allows you to live in China for a set amount of time you can either get one through having a full time job here or by marrying a Chinese citizen.

  3. I highly doubt you'd want to become a citizen. And anyway you can't become a citizen, there is no immigration to China.

    As for a visa, you'll need a Z - work visa, or you could get an X - student visa that will last you one year.  There used to be an F - business visa which was the best one but it is discontinued. There is some rumour it will come back after October but it's not really known if it will.

    So get a job (Z), or go to school (X).  That's how.

    EDIT: Please don't listen to Susan or Lu.  Susan is grossly mistaken.  You cannot become a Chinese citizen, ever. You can marry and get a marriage visa, but you can't work on that visa and you'll still not be a Chinese citizen., ever.  Normally you just get a 1 year Z and renew it once a year and as for the 5 year limit, i've never heard of that, been in China 7 years and just got another Z no problem.  As for Lu, that sounds like what the government says but in fact it means nothing. It's not about what they say, it's about what they enforce.  Please don't listen to them.

  4. Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Aliens in China

    Issued by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    August 20, 2004


    Upon the approval of the State Council, the Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing jointly endorsed Decree No.74 and officially issued the Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Aliens in China for implementation on August 15.

    Eligibility for permanent residence is granted by the government of a country to aliens who meet certain requirements, and with this eligibility they can reside in the country without limit to the period of stay. Aliens with eligibility for permanent residence in a country are granted certificates of identification, commonly known as "Green Cards". The Issuance of Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Aliens in China indicates the official implementation of the "Green Card" system in China. This is a significant move by the Chinese Government to adapt to economic globalization, push forward reform and opening-up and the modernization of socialism still further, and normalize the regulation of examination and approval of permanent residence of aliens in China.

    Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Aliens in China has altogether 29 articles, which include explicit provisions on the prerequisites for aliens to apply for permanent residence permits in China, required supporting documents, steps to be followed, limits of authority, and cancellation of eligibility, etc.

    According to the prerequisites specified in the Regulations, eligibility for permanent residence mainly applies to high-level foreign personnel who hold posts in businesses which promote China's economic, scientific and technological development or social progress, foreign citizens who make relatively large direct investment in China, persons who have made outstanding contributions or are of special importance to China, and people who come to China to be with family, such as husband and wife, minors dependent on their parents, and senior citizens dependent on their relatives.

    To apply for permanent residence in China, the applicant or the parents or guardian of unmarried children shall submit an application to the public security organ of the People's Government at the city level or the branch office or county office of the public security bureau of a municipality directly under the central government, which is in charge of the community of the applicant's major investment or long-term residence, and at the same time, provide the specified application documents. After the public security organ receives the application, it shall investigate and verify the conditions of the applicant according to the specified prerequisites, and submit the application to the Ministry of Public Security for examination and approval. The public security organ shall decide whether to approve or reject the application for permanent residence permit within 6 months of receiving the application. Upon the approval of the Ministry of Public Security, the applicant shall be granted an Alien Permanent Residence Permit by the Ministry of Public Security. To applicants outside China, an Alien Permanent Resident Status Confirmation Letter shall be issued by the Ministry of Public Security, with which they may apply for D Visas from a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad, and receive the Alien Permanent Residence Permits from the public security organ which handles their applications within 30 days of entering China.

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