
I'm a's my fate looking in the future?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious!




  1. hey if ur a gemini..who cares about the future!!!!!! we live for today:))))

  2. Ok. In order to answer this question. I am going to have to time travel. Get the answer. Then time travel back here to tell you. Ok hold on .... I be right back if my time machine works. And if it doesn't its been nice knowing you.......

  3. well now is the future for me, wait that was the past, well i'm typing in the present, ok that was past....the future is every minute youre alive. play it by the minute and you should be fine.

  4. well since according to the Mayan calender that the world will end or time as we know it will change on December 21, 2012......

    Your a gemini , i am a sag.    Maybe it won't matter about the future if we believe in the stars as the Mayans did.

    That is true fate................and if you are a true fatalist as I believe that what happens ...happens with us being in minimal control.

    ah fate....ain't it grand!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. you are very mature and have strong confidence in yourself.  You are gregarious and like sincere friendships.

    Your natural intelligence will keep you out of difficult situations.

    You are not a follower and will do what you consider to be helpful for others. Your appearance suggests you might be athletic and love to play sports. Your quiet self assurance will attract others of like qualities.

    You have a very good future ahead of you

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