
I'm a Junior in High School. I want to know what colleges would be best for a student with a GPA of 2.5?

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I'm a Junior in High School and I'm starting to think about which colleges i would like to look at. My GPA is a 2.5 and I am hoping this year that i can raise that number. I keep worrying which colleges i should at least aim for so i can know that this is the college i want my grades to look really good for. I am still not sure what i would like to major in. Thanks for you help :]




  1. You didn't say what your ACT score is. Have you taken it? That would be a good place to start, because colleges definitely take that into account.

    If you're not sure what you want to major in, I think you should go to community college for a couple years to get your basics and get your GPA up so that you can transfer to a good college later on. You'll save a lot of money that way.

    A 2.5 would be a C average I think? Well, that's average, so I'm sure you could get into some colleges if that's the way you want to go, but I would do C.C. first.

  2. If you're just starting out as a junior, I think you still have a shot. If you want to go straight into college, you'll definitely need to work hard your junior and senior year and definitely get a 3.30 or higher. I have had numerous friends who performed average during their first two years and did extremely well their junior and senior year and got accepted to schools like UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz, and also private universities. Colleges don't only look at GPA, they also look at SAT and ACT scores, personal statement, one's nationality, and extracurricular activities.

    I will be honest with you and say that you will definitely have a DIFFICULT time getting into college with a 2.5. But if you were able to transform that GPA to a 3.0 in your junior and senior year, you would be much more competitive. Otherwise, you can go to a Community College for two years, and then transfer to a University.

    For me, I would simply work my butt off so you can experience college life from the beginning instead of having to go to a CC and having to work harder to transfer to a good school. Good luck.

  3. start out at a community college for your first 2 years or so, then transfer to a university or college. community colleges are cheaper, more convienient, and are easy to get into

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