
I'm a Malaysian muslim girl want to marry a saudi is possible to marry in Egypt?

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Me n my boyfriend r waiting for the approval from the Saudi goverment for marriage.its already 7 months since he went to see his King with a letter. Is it possible if we want to marry in Egypt since Malaysia goverment also require him to get an approval letter from his country before marry me, and what r we suppose to do? Does he still need that approval? How if he start his bussiness in Malaysia n marry me in Malaysia? Is there any other solution for us?




  1.  I want to get marreid from a malay girl..I am a saudi guy 32 years old 

  2. i want marry with Malaysian gilr now i am in Dubai in UAE  pleasse call me 00971501646838

    email; me

  3. Im ready Im from makka 40 y o

    busness man


  4.  hey there guyz.. am a saudi guy who wanna get marry with a malaysian gurl, the problem is i already started this approval letter thing n it has been rejected cuz am 27 years..1 i must be 35 years n above..! bullshit..! so.. if anyone knows plz any alternative choice..? am looking to get marry in US but yet not so sure how can we managed to go n get marry there.. 

    plz guyz.. any help.. we need it here.. ='(

  5. Oh my god! how long does it take to get the approval...
    im a malaysian girl and my soon to be is saudi...
    but the prospect seemed bleak cz it takes ages for us to get the approval...
    any successful malaysian-saudi marriage out there?
    share the story please

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