
I'm a Pisces born on 17th march what are my good and bad sides?

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I'm a Pisces born on 17th march what are my good and bad sides?




  1. the bad side - you're not an Aries....duh!

  2. 17th March:

    you have a loving and gentle nature but try to be tougher than you are, tougher on yourself and tougher on others. Ppl do not necessarily see this side of you unless they get really close.

    you are inspired and talented, and whatever path you choose, you be relentless until you get success. you may have felt unloved as a child and have a need to overcompensate. you are truly lovable, but can sometimes give in to paranoia and cynicism.

    you can resist love because you find it challenging. you want a honest partner who is either really really pure or the really really bad - never in the middle.


  3. your too unsure  about ur decisions, stick to on thing

  4. you know what they are deep down ;) but you need verification that is why you are asking us, but i shall enlighten you, you have a kind heart, you are indecisive, and you are intelligent. on the bad side if you are pushed to far you could be like a tidle wave ready to wipe out the whole earth e.g. noars ark. good day sir.

  5. actually, because you're a march pisces, that means you have more balls than the feb. pisces, and especially since you are closer to the cusp means that you are more forceful than the average pisces and you have a little more fire. It also means you're a little more adventurous and probably alot more spendy with your money than you should be. Apply all the basic positives and negatives of the pisces, and add a tad bit of the aries strengths to your "flavor" and that would describe you. of course, your moon sign and asc. would come into play also.

  6. Pisces people tend to be over sensitive and dreamers thats your downfall however, pisces is the one of the most understanding and caring of all the signs..i know im a n aries/pisces cusp..however very emotional and tempermental.

  7. Im a pisces,and i know a *wee bit* about astrology,so ill give you the lowdown.

    Good :

    - Easygoing/friendly

    - Kind,understanding,compassionate

    - Imaginative/dreamer,potential for genius

    - Artistic/creative

    - Open-minded

    - Peacefull/Calm nature

    - Selfless

    - Unmaterialistic

    - Friendly

    Bad :

    - Weak-willed character

    - Pushover

    - Cares more about the welfare of others than for themselves.*NOTE* I put this as a bad point 'cos in the end,you just end up getting screwed

    - A total kissa** - tries to please everybody

    - Escapist

    - Deceptive

    - Undecided/Confused

    - Other-worldy/Unrealistic

    - Vague

    - Over-sensitive/Emotional

    But what you should know,is that theres so much to a personality than you star sign/sun sign.Experience and circumstances plays a huge factor in how ones personality is shaped.Also you birth chart can also reveal alot about you,as well as your rising and moon signs.So on a whole you might be able to relate to these characteristics,but youll find yourself to be different in some ways.

  8. I'm a Pisces myself :)

    good: compassionate, loving, sympathetic, caring, sweet

    bad: overly imaginative sometimes, sensitive

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