
I'm a SUCKER- now what do I do?

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2 weeks ago I stopped my cats from torturing a field mouse to death that they had cornered in my living room. After examining the mouse I decided to hold onto her for a few days to see if she could recover from her injuries before I let her go. The cats had done a pretty good job on one of her eyes and it is obvious that she will be blind in that eye for the rest of her life. So I kept her for a week in which she healed better than I expected- no sign of infection at all! I went to release her last Sunday and discovered (SURPRISE!!!) three little babies with her! Just freakin' great.

So, obviously I am not dumping her and her helpless babies out into the cold cruel world- I am keeping her with them until they are weaned. As I have bred and kept mice for years I know that they will be independent at 4 weeks old. My question, however, is this:

Will I be able to release mice that were born in a cage and had food and water handed to them all their short lives? What about the mother- she's become quite tame in spite of the fact that I don't try to touch her- when I reach in to feed or water she comes to me! Will she be able to teach them how to survive outside when everything in their environment now is provided for them? Or do I have 4 pet field mice now?

Please don't tell me to feed them to anything- if I was going to do that I would have let the cats kill her.

Also, our local wildlife center is a specialty center for Raptors- owls, hawks, eagles, etc. I am afraid if I bring them there, they will feed my mice to the birds. I have no problem with the birds eating mice, but as I mentioned, I am a sucker, and these are now MY mice.

So what do I do?





  1. In my state, one town near me has a children's museum.  They take some animals.  See if your town or one near you has one and perhaps they would take the mice in lieu of your situation.

    If not, I don't know what to tell you b/c I would being going through exactly what you are right now.  I also want to give you props for being a kind animal lover.  Best of luck!

  2. I guess I'm a sucker too .. from what you typed .. I'd keep.

    I've never had mice or rats but I would of done the same thing, if any of my cats trapped one in a corner and did some damage, heck I probably would of taken to the vet just because my cats did the damage.

    I know from watching Animal Planet, that when they do catch wild animals that got injured that they treated then released back into the wild. I'm sure the little ones would get there wild instinks, and I'm sure they may stay with the mommie for a few days after .. BUT then its that I'd be worried in the back of my head wondering if some wild animal ate them or something like that. Just like you I'd be worried that the wild life people would feed the birds the mice, so no I wouldn't take them there.

    You said that you have kept before, so if you were up to it you could.

    I know I'm like no help.

  3. yikes! dats a tough one. i woul take dem to da vet just to make sure there ok. and maybe ask him what u should to with them maybe. i dont know.     or u could keep them until ther ready to go on their own?

  4. I think they would be fine, natural instinct is often allot stronger thank we think! maybe you should put them in the back of he garden with a hiding box or something with some food and water so they don't starve while they get used to the big out doors! Then you can check they have food and water and there fine and in a way if they still come back to eat after a while and you choose to still feed them they will be your semi wild mice!!!

    good luck and well done for not killing them!!

  5. Unlike domesticated dogs and cats, who can't fend for themselves if put out into the cold, cruel world, your four little mice friends will do fine.   Rodents are remarkably adaptable and intelligent.

    So when they are ready to go, put them out in a nice wooded area - and RUN so they can't follow you home!!

    You are a sweet, sweet person - and if I were a field mouse I'd hope to have a protector as magnificent as you.

  6. I would release them all at about 3 1/2 weeks. That way they are not fully on their own and mom will teach them to forage for food. The mother was originally wild so she will always know how to survive in the wild. If you release them when they are not fully able to leave mom then she will teach them to survive and they all will be fine. As for your cat she may bring one of the babies in again. But if you are ok with having 4 little mice then I would just keep them. It is sort of illegal but I won't tell if you won't.

    Good Luck!

  7. Your not a sucker. You have a good heart!

    IF it were me I would probably keep them. With the thought that they would not survive in the wild after their "lucky" start.


    Knowing that wild creatures carry diseases how you handle them is questionable, and how they are kept as well.

    I found this website

    it seems interesting.

    Good luck

  8. Since the mother was a wild field mouse to begin with, I'm sure that she will be able to resume her old lifestyle with some minor adjustments. For the kids sake, I would think if you let them all go now, they would be much better adjusted to the lifestyle they are going to be leading, that is, unless you plan on keeping them.  

  9. i would tame them all and keep them. If they have had food handed to them they may not find their own and then die. If you tame them they will be like other pet mice.

  10. just keep her. go to the vet and see if they can make sure she isn't sick. then when the babies get a little older bring them to the pet store and keep the first mouse you got. the babies will be fine at the pet store. but they cant go back into the wild  

  11. Your such a nice person. I'm a sucker too. lol. I went to the spca yesterday looking for a dog and i came home with 2 pregnant rats (I already have 2) and the spca said that when the babies are born, they will be put to sleep because the dont have room for so many babies so now I have 2 pregnant rats who are soon gonna have babies..and i'm kepping ALL the babes. Yah me!! Anyhoo, I think that you should keep them because the babies might not survive in the wild and might end up dead so I think you get a large cage because the mama is used to so much room, and just keep the babies and let the mama trust you and get to know you. Thats my opinion but do what you think is right.

  12. I'd never seen a deer mouse before...but I'm sure if I were in your shoes, I would want to keep those cute little things! It seems that they'll adapt just fine back in nature (That Mystery girl seems to know what she's talking about). Me, I would have a rough time letting them go after taking care of them. I guess the real question is, can you part them and be alright with it? If you have this many misgivings, maybe it's a sign you should keep them.

  13. My "Evil" pet rat just had babies too! 8 of them!

    They will probably do fine, since they normally wouldn't leave their mother until they were weaned anyway. You could put them somewhere in your yard, and keep checking on them. If they were born outside, they would have just as much of a chance surviving anyway, with all the dogs, cats, owls, birds, etc.

    If you want to keep all 4, you need to separate the males from the females and have 2 separate cages-- or spay/neuter them. It's really quite cheap! They can mate as early as 5-6 weeks old, and they can be weaned at 4-5 weeks.

    You can handle the babies right away, if you want to keep them. The earlier they are socialized, the better they will be later on as pets. It's a myth that the mother will not care for them if they are touched. BUT consider taking the mom to the vet and getting checked out! She could have diseases, and passed them on to the babies as well. Find a vet who is willing to care for rats. Some don't care, and don't think rats are pets. There are 2 vets in my office, one sees my snakes and rats, and the other only sees dogs and cats.

    My daughter caught a bird once, who was too young to fly. We kept her outside and kept checking on her until she was gone one day. We don't know if she flew away or what happened, but we feel we did what was best- keep her outside.

  14. Enjoy your new pets - You sound just like me lol

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