
I'm a Single Mom of a mature 14 yr. old who shave's , and looks 18 ..I found he's viewing Animated p**n Help.

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I'm a Single Mom of a mature 14 yr. old who shave's , and looks 18 ..I found he's viewing Animated p**n Help.




  1. He's probably having s*x, too, if he looks 18.  

    How to deal with this:  What, were you 14 when you gave birth to him, too?  Because it sure sounds like it, if you're coming onto Yahoo! looking for answers to this.

    If you don't like what your child watches/downloads, put parental controls on your computer or supervise what he's doing.  YOU are the parent here, and there are things about these sites that could get YOU in trouble:  Worms, viruses, hidden child p**n.  You don't want that stuff on your hard drive.

    Masturbation, however, for a kid his age is completely normal.  So let him be his age with that.

  2. thats funny when i was 13 my friend and i played tombraider 2 game and always tryed to find nude cheats to get laura croft nude haha sadly no cheats excisted.

    anyhow he'll grow out of it I think. but watch and make sure he doesn't get into anything to bad there is way to much hard hard core messed stuff on the internet these days

  3. haha wtf? q***r

  4. That's the least of your problems!!! Choose your battles at this delicate age or he WILL hate you until he is ready to get married.

  5. it's long as its nothing illegal..

  6. Cut off his internet source. Nasty kid.

  7. put a block on your internet so he can't get to those sites anymore.

  8. sounds normal for a 14 yr old boy

  9. dont worry, animated isnt bad!

    settle down,

  10. not much you can do really.

    He will only find another way to see it, through a friend or whatever.

    you could put a net nanny type of program on the computer to keep him away from chat sites (aka predators), other wise he is just being a boy / growing up into a young man

  11. This is of course a completely normal thing for a 14 year old boy to want to do. But you must put a stop to it because it is not legal for him to view those sites--and you can get in trouble if you allow it.

    I have a 14 YO son also, and I caught him too. I explained that, while it is normal to want to look at such images, it is improper and illegal. Then I made him promise to not do this anymore. I explained if he did it again I would take his computer away. "Trust, but verify".

    I have not done this yet, but you can set up parental filters for the Internet. There are several available--one good one is sold by McAfee. Go to to check it out.

    Another option is to switch your Internet service to AOL which allows you to set a broad range of parameters based on age, time of day, total time per day, and other settings.

    On this issue it is essential for you to get him to understand the consequences of his behavior. But don't think for a moment you will prevent him ever looking at "dirty pictures" or "dirty movies". Before the Internet 99% of 14 year old boys looked at Playboy and Penthouse (or even Hustler). But the internet makes access too easy. The scary thing isn't that he will see nudity or normal s*x acts, the scary thing is that he will see the most bizarre and perverted acts you never even imagined. So keep close tabs on his internet use.

  12. Your son doesn't watch animated p**n because he shaves and looks 18 He watches because he's 14 You have to have a heart to heart with a 14 year old BOY just as the single moms with 14 year old that doesn't shave.would have to do

  13. It's not uncommon as you think. 14 is a very young age and his idea of sexuality is not yet grown. Animated p**n offers "perfection" simply because it is from imagination itself.

    I think you dont have to worry much.. in a few years he'll start dating real girls and forget about animated p**n.

  14. he is 14...he is going to look at p**n regardless of what type it is

  15. At least it's just animated p**n

  16. You can block p**n sites. Do it now. p**n is addictive.

  17. give him the lecture on safe s*x

  18. put a parent control on the internet.  he'll be angry, but since you're the adult, you make the rules.  Put the computer in a high traffic area, such as the living room.

  19. That is normal. Don't worry. You can give him some books to learn more about s*x. It's not a big deal that a teen is watching such stuff. If you are really worrying, go speak to him, but be patient, not mad. You are only in  the"teen beginning", so you will definitely need all your tolerance to rise your son properly.

  20. OMG, get him to watch real p**n, animated isn;t gud enuf, or watch it with him. this is a site that helps stop

  21. Why do people feel the need to cut others down? What the heck is wrong with you people, who gave you the right to judge others.

    With the way technology is these days, it's normal, you could block certian websites, by keyword or url; that requires a password. Give him select times to be online, and have the computer only available out in the open. Other than that, just talk to him; he's hitting puberty, he's gonna start exploring, better to be safe than sorry.

    Good Luck.

  22. so? next time knock.

  23. thats natural. dont make a big deal about it.

    If you really dont want him to look at it at home , then punish him from the computer for a while.

    You wont be able to stop him if , he can go watch it at a friends house.

  24. Animated? Jesus Christ! Tell him to visit or yet That's where the party at.

  25. put parental control on his laptop or pc....

    hope this help..

  26. It's time to have that talk with him.  I know, I know, we all dread this day, but you are his mom so it's that time.  Just make it quick, he probably knows more than you think he does.  A lot more.

  27. you can be as friendly with him and be cool about it. dont get nervous. imagine yourself before... i have a guy friend and has told me how open he was to her mom to the point that her mother would asked him dont forget to wear condoms. Never thought moms can be as cool as that as I have a strict relatively consevative parents, we never talked about things like that. But i personally believe you can be a friend to him and if you are worried he will be doing it with a real girl, which he will definitely do, you better be sure you already educated him the pros and cons of a possible unwanted or unplanned pregnancy.

  28. wow, im 16, i think animated p**n is messed up, talk to him, show him normal human p**n if it means getting him off of it. wow.

  29. Yea 14 yr old boys tend to jerk off a lot. Sorry mom but it's true. Talk to him about your computer. Tell him like it is.

    #1... that's some nasty c**p he doesn't need to bring that filth to your computer chair and mouse

    #2... he is gonna cause a virus if he keeps at it then he won't have a computer to look at

    #3... Aren't you a little old for cartoons? hahaha... just kidding about that one.

  30. he is probably exploring

    just have the talk with him soon

    otherwise dont sweat it

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