
I'm a Teacher... as a parent what would you like me to instill in your child ?????

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whats most important to you that they learn and know?




  1. Learn how to think creatively instead of memorizing stuff.

  2. Learn how to learn and how to study.  learn how to be critical thinkers and some academics as well.  Do I sound picky?  I am a teacher as well.

  3. Learning to think creatively is nice and all but how do you teach it?? It's very difficult. But HOW you teach and what you expect are good ways to begin.

    As a parent - I expect that my child will learn from you what the world is all about. My child is special - like all children - and if you can make my child feel that way in a class of 30 kids then you have succeeded in helping my child to feel good about education and the world around them. If you can make EVERY child in your class feel special, then you will have accomplished a lot. My child will see that and will learn how to treat others as well.

    You are indeed a model for my child, in school and out of school as well. If my child sees you at church, then my child will know that this is important. If my child sees you have respect for others, then my child will learn that from you. The negative is true also. Be careful...

    But the best thing you could teach children is how to be independent and self sufficient. if you can teach them that everything they need to know they know already or that they already know how to find the answers because you will show them. If you can teach a child that they can accomplish anything they set out to do, then you have built that child's self esteem a hundred fold.

    You really didn't need me or anyone else to tell you this - you learned it from YOUR teachers. And all it takes is one teacher to make a difference in a child's life. I hope that's you...

    good luck - you are going to be a dynamite teacher, I can tell,

  4. Didn't you cover this in your education classes?  I want to see kids learn to think for themselves and be good problem solvers; I also want them to know how our system works and to be good, productive citizens.  We should teach to the best and make school as competitive as real life.  An "A" should mean work that goes far beyond the expectations of an assignment, and passing should not be 60% of the curriculum, but more like 85%.

  5. How to be a self-directed learner and how to be active listeners.

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