
I'm a U.S. citizen and want to marry my bf who is on a tourist visa can he stay after we are married?

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My bf entered the US on March 2008 originally a Middle Eastern guy, came here as a tourist, as he told me he was granted 6 months stay then has to leave to his country but im really not sure if it is true as i have a feeling he is out of status already and was given less than 6 months, I recently found out that he has also been sued in his country for a crime after he left and I think he is very worried of going back home to face his sentence and trying his best to stay here. I really love him but I am not sure what to do, can he stay after we get married or can they find out that he already has a criminal background back home? I am really confused what to do. I also found out that he is also married in his country, im not sure if he divorced her or not. What is the situation for us when we get married? I have never been married to a foreigner before.

Any help please?





  1. Getting married to a US citizen doesn't automatically give a person citizenship. This guy sounds like a creep trying to use you. You sound very foolish. What do you think he will do when he has gotten what he wants from you?

  2. First of all, make sure that you are marrying someone who's honest. Ask him straight up questions about his criminal record and possible marriage. You do not need to marry someone who is not willing to give you those details because you'll only get hurt in the end,

    I know you are in love, but any relationship has to be based on honesty. When you have those issues solved, you can worry about the immigration part on this relationship.

    Since he is from the Middle East, men are allowed to marry several women, however it's not like that in the US. He may or may not be aware of that fact. So if he's no, let him know how things work here. There's no need for you to marry someone who has been married before when you live here, especially if you knew it.

    Stay strong

  3. Marriage does not grant a visa. You will need to apply for a Spouse Visa after marriage. A Spouse Visa is not a Green Card. He still can't work or have a driver's license. If he is deported for overstaying it delays all available visa processes. If you are serious about this, seek the advice of an attorney specialized in immigration law. That is the fastest way to accomplish the timely paperwork and pay the fees it takes.

    But, I don't believe your BF story and furthermore, you will be making a promise he is not on the public dole for the next 10 years.

    Good luck.

  4. No, he won't be able to stay.  He doesn't have to go home, but he can't stay in the US past his visa, and he won't automatically get citizenship.

    What country is he from, and what crime is he accused of?  Without knowing more about the situation it's impossible to say for sure what is going on.  I'm guessing he's still married, but allowed 4 wives.

    It doesn't sound like you know him very well, and it also sounds like you are totally clueless about his culture and past.

  5. You need some help alright.What the h**l is wrong with you!?I sometimes think everyone has gone crazy in this country!!!

  6. Yes they will find out so marriage is no solution. Considering he is probably married, your attempt at marrying would be illegal for starters.

    And with all the threats of terrorism, don't you think they will turn him inside out before admitting as a US citizen? I know that 99.99% of the people from the Middle East are honest and beautiful people but since a few real nasties from that region made such a big mess, I have a feeling that the "checklist for introduction" would be longer.

    Sounds like a lot of trouble ahead if you continue down this path. Nothing confusing about it.

  7. You need to find out if he is still married or not and he will need the divorce papers to prove it. Without this information, the rest of your question is a moot point since in the U.S. one cannot be married to two people.

    As for his criminal record, yes he will also need a police clearance form from every country he has lived in for 6 months or more.

    This guy sounds like a winner [sarcasm] - just leave him, he's obvious idiot: Criminal record, lied about being married, not truthful about the longevity of his visa... geez how many more reasons does this guy need to give you that he should be avoided.

    Wake up.

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