
I'm a US citizen, both my parents are US Residents/Mexican citizens. Do I need pasaports from both countries?

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I know I will need an American passport to enter Mexico for vacations, but if I am younger than 18, will I also need a Mexican passport?




  1. You need an American passport and your parents need Mexican passports to travel internationally.    Passports are not needeed for Land or SEA ravel to Mexico until after SUMMER 2008.  They are needed now for AIR travel.  See wesite below and read top half of page for current info.  YOU do not need a MEXICAN passport at any time, and unless you were to apply for and be granted Mexican citizenship (which takes several years), you are not eligible to have one anyway.

  2. If you were born in the Sates and have a social security #, birth certificate, etc., a US passport will do, because you are US citizen. Did your parents get you dual citizenship? A friend of mine has dual with Australia and the US, she has a US passport. Another fiend of mine is an English citizen, but lives in the US, she has a green card, and a passport from the UK. Hope that helps!

  3. you do not need a mexican passport if you are under 18.

    I was born in the USA and both of my parents are USA and Mexcian citizens. I go to mexico EVERY year, and not once have I needed a Mexican passport...all I need is my American passport, and i'm good.

    it doesn't hurt to have a mexican passport and be recognized as a mexican cititzen, but remember, if something bad happens in mexico, like you break a law or something, you will have to abide by mexico's law, because you are a mexican citizen by proof of your mexican passport.

    so think twice if you want to have a mexican passport as well, but remember, it's not needed.

  4. NO

  5. If you're a US citizen then you need a US passport .

    Hope it helps

  6. if ur a US ciyizen then u dont need a passport to go to the US

  7. no just from the U.S.

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