
I'm a ballet dancer but.....?

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i'm only 14. i recently started ballet primary grade. it's not long, just about 2 months. everything is alright but we always do these exercise like run and pause and gallops and skips and all that that require more physical strength and exercise. and once i try doing it or do it for too long i'll start to feel faint and my heat will beat furiously and my breathing will speed up like crazy. .and i'll black out.i know ballet is all about sports but i can't. i am drinking enough and eating well. and well, this does not only happen when i dance, also whenever i exercise or do sports. what could it possibly be? it's getting in my way because it is giving me a limit to the things i can do. like when my friends want to play games i'll have to quit myself, it's so embarrassing and humiliating.

but i can't stand it like that with ballet. i don't want to give up. i want to dance. i know it is kinda late but i am willing to try. i want to dance well, but this is keeping me away. please help me




  1. It sounds like a potassium deficiency---- Eat a banana!!!

    Also if you are serious about ballet if you did more classes then you could learn to cope with the pace and learn the skills faster.

  2. go see a doctor. it sounds like asthma to me.

    good luck :)

  3. Okay, first, I have heard of this before. Are you a smoker? What you have described is a common side effect of someone who is a smoker or is exposed to tobacco smoke. If you are, stop now, because this is the main problem that prevents you from gaining your best physical activity. If you are exposed to tobacco smoke I would suggest that you leave the room or go outside or talk to the person and ask them not to smoke when you are around.

    If your not a smoker or exposed to tobacco smoke, I would advise you to go and see a doctor. There might be something wrong with your lungs, it seems like your brain and the rest of your body is not getting enough oxygen to perform physical activity, with is most likely causing you to black out. I don't mean to frighten you, but this seems to be a real problem and if it is affect you physically and emotionally, you need to fix it. Your condition has to do with your health so I would visit the doctor immediately and explain your problem to him/her and I'm sure they will be able to help you.

    If you have already seen a doctor then I would suggest trying to find a lung/organ specialist, they might be more successful in trying to help you find what the primary problem is.

    I hope this helps you, and I hope you get better soon!

  4. Sounds like vasovagal syncope.

    I have it. It happens to me all the time, not just while dancing or exercising, but that is when it happens the most.

    I feel really lightheaded and dizzy and faint a lot, but since I've been on medication (almost a year now), the fainting has mostly stopped.

    It's caused by blood not circulating through my head properly or something like that, I don't really know.

    I'm currently taking Florinef for it. It helps with the fainting, but I still get lightheaded and dizzy quite often.

    I recommend going to a cardiologist. That's what I did. Ask for them to do a tilt table test.

    I won't lie to you, it does make any sort of physical activity very difficult. Just remember to breathe properly and don't over-exert yourself too much. My doctor gave me papers to give to my teachers at school and at dance explaining everything so they'll now how to handle it. Just talk to your dance instructor about it. I'm sure he/she will understand if you have to take a break for a little bit.

    And remember, if you do feel faint, lie down with your knees bent, keeping your feet on the floor. This will help get the blood flowing back to your head and will make you feel better.

    Good luck!

  5. As a ballet teacher myself, I would say there are 3-4 main reasons why this would be happening:

    1. Lack of oxygen - quick tip: exhale longer than you inhale (4:3 then 4:2 second ratio)

    2. You're dehydrated, the body often thinks it is hydrated when it actually is not - water is the best, room temperature, (small sips while taking class/dancing), plain - not flavored

    3. Lack of potassium - try eating a banana before class (as well as one the morning of and maybe the day before

    4. You're at the age when your body is changing. You may require more red meats, broccoli, bran, etc. more iron-rich foods.

    Of course, if you're extremely concerned, you should consult your physician, but I'd try some of the above as well - it would do no harm

    (I hope this helps!!)

  6. Maybe you should see a doctor this could be something serious don't listen to these people on yahoo who think they know what they are talking about ask your doctor he is more trained

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