
I'm a beginner but I bought a 7"6 gun what should I do?

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hi im 17 5'3 and 120 lbs. Also im very new to surfboarding. I bought a gun and tried to surf with it at waikiki (around 2 foot waves) but i didnt generate enough speed to ride teh wave. My friend pushed me from the back and i got the speed but it was hard to stand up. When i rode his longboard i could ride it with ease. Should I stick with this board and learn on it or should i sell it to get a longboard ,funboard or short board? I live like half a mile from the beach so i can go like every weekends




  1. At first I would stick to the bigger boards . Easier to keep your balance . Once you get use to it you will be able to pick up your speed and then handle the smaller boards. Keep it up , practice  and more practice is what makes it fun. The more you learn the more you can ride.....

  2. I don't want to sound negative but if you bought a gun  to learn on somebody screwed you over.  Guns are designed for one thing and one thing only...big wave surfing.  I'm hoping that you are really misinterpreting what you have and that it is some sort of fun board.  You are okay on length but you need width and stability.

    If you really do have gun (ask on of your more experienced frinds) sell if and get something more appropriate to learn on.  Take on of those friends with you to pick out your next board.  A lot of people will start with a fun board because they are good for learning but I have found that most fund boards aren't really that fun once you learn the basics.  I would recommend a long board or mini-longboard.  You'll get way more use out of it down the road.  Even if you more onto a short board there are always plenty of days that a longboard comes in handy.    Plus itr really helps your surfing be more rounded if you can learn to ride more than one type of board.

    I tried to respond to your message but it was returned as undeliverable.  So here goes: Guns are pretty much made for being able to paddle quickly to allow you

    to catch large waves and with enough rocker to allow you make the

    bottom turn and outrun the whitewater.  They are probably the most

    specialized of the various board designs.  They are not maneuverable at all and

    tend to be narrower than most boards so this makes them pretty much

    impossible to learn on.  If you really like it because it looks great

    then by all means keep it.  I happen to feel that surf boards are very

    artful so if it looks great display it.  Save up some more dough and get

    the right board to learn on.  Try craigslist for used boards, your first

    board doesn't have to look good, all it needs to be is big and water


  3. It’s wonderful that you started surfing and you picked a perfect location to. But you still picked the wrong surfboard. The gun is a board, meant for advance surfers.

    I would keep it, put aside. This saves you money, from buying a new one in the future. If you are short on money, then yes trade it, in for a longer board.

    A true surfer has 3 types of boards

    A long board is meant: for small waves like Waikiki for example, easy to paddle, stand on the board, it will still be fun and easier to ride. This board is meant for beginners such as yourself or just to have fun on small swell. 2-5 ft waves

    A short board: high performance easier to do tricks, maneuvers, and speed, more for intermediate. 4-8ft waves

    A gun is a  survival  tool in the water it helps you fly; especially on the northshore.

    Control well turns, maneuverable that’s were the magic starts. Flying through the barrels.


    6-15ft waves

    Well have fun

  4. well you picked a great place to learn!! a gun is designed for specific waves and if you are riding waves that large you need to be good the gun will not need for years to come i would sell it take the $ and buy a learning board. either a long board or since your friend has one maybe a fun shape that is 7.5' -8 ft shaped like a long board. but smaller and moderatly more manueverable that way you both can benifit and have a board to advance your surfing on. the rounded nose gives eccellent wave catching ability will the shorter legth will make it turn more easily. i have been surfing for 30yrs and have taught about 7 nieces and nephews to surf and the progression from the longbrd to the fun brd is perfect. then in months it might  be too long & you will want to progress further into more performance shortboards.

  5. Good on you for getting into surfing!!

    I learned to surf a couple of years ago on an 8"4 foamy. Foam boards are great to learn on and also good fun. About 6 months later i bought a NSP board 7"6. And just recently i bought a Wired 6'6. Moving up slowly helps a lot, Buy a longboard, but keep the gun and move up when you feel confident

  6. If you haven't yet done exactly what "kim_dude..." said, then do it right away.  He's exactly right.

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