
I'm a aunt gets mad at me when i told mother too, is my decision wrong...?

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I'm a aunt gets mad at me when i told mother too, is my decision wrong...? All my life i've given them my best..i know they will not like it if i tell them what i am but i just wanna be honest to them and more importantly to myself.




  1. Yeh you should tell them and if they get mad at you then in my opinion you're better off without them. If they can't accept you for who you are then it's their problem not yours

  2. You don't decide to be Bi, it is who you are.

    If anyone gets mad at you for being your true self it is their problem. It is all you can be. You can never go wrong by being true to yourself. No one else has to live inside you 24/7 for the rest of your life.

    Be yourself, be honest and be happy with who you are.

  3. you should tell them that its ok because this is what i feel is right and i want to spend my life with this person blah blah blah and blah and i really like him/her

    hope this helped

  4. Coming Out


       Coming out is really scary.

    The hardest thing I've had to do.

    The biggest thing I've ever said,

    And I entrusted telling you.

    You were gutted, expected that though.

    Even though I'd expected you to show

    A little support through that scary time,

    I'd have more support from a lemon and lime.

    Felt like I was against the tide,

    Hoping you'd come with arms open wide.

    Bring me into your warm embrace,

    I've still not forgotten the shame on your face.

    You spoke to me so sharp and cool,

    Oh how naive and such a fool,

    I was in thinking that you would be ok and smile,

    I didn't see you smiling again for a long long while.

    You thought you'd failed me by bringing me up alone,

    Don't blame yourself, you'd never have known.

    You didn't fail me, you've done me good.

    I'm happy, be proud; Because you should.

    But Mum I'll say this, I'm Daniel and I'm g*y.

    I hope you'll understand that I'm staying this way.

    And hear is the advice this guy got:


    Although your Mum may have been shocked at first, she will realise she has a fantastic kind hearted son. This poem really 'touched' me. I wish I had your guts. I have only come out to a very few select friends and a couple of family members. Well done mate! ! [for having the courage that I should have]

    God bless you, Daniel! This was a poem written out of hurt, but it expresses a lot of courage. A person cannot live pretending to be something he's not. And sometimes the confessions shake up loved ones. You will find friends out there who will encourage you to be a good human being whoever you are! ! !


  5. It was brave of you to be honest to your aunt and mother. Naturally, your mother would want you to follow in her "footsteps" and have a nice boyfriend, get married and give her grandchildren - it's hard for straight people to understand let alone the "generation" thing where in those days, it was considered to be very "wrong" to be with the same gender.

    Your mother is your mother, she should love you no matter who you fall in love with. Just give them time, and show them that there is NOTHING wrong with your true feelings towards girls. They'll start to see you are the EXACT same daughter/neice that you were before you told them you were bi.

    Being bi is part of who you are. And who you are is amazing, so why should you hide these things and live in a lie??

    Goodluck. hope that helps.

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