
I'm a big procrastinator, seriously how can i stop and change my ways?!!?!?

by  |  earlier

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no rude comments, i have no self disaplain, and i know its my fault, but im lazy and put things off.

i really gotta chage my ways, i dont want my whole life passing before my eyes anymore, cuz im messing around on the computer and stuff!

nooo rude comments, ive had this prob for like 3 years now, cuz i became like a hermit crab, when i didnt fit in at my school, but i moved to a new school and made new friends now im just a procrasinator,shy, lazyand dont wanna do anthing, and just dream, but never do anything.

yeah confusing...... just help!




  1. Maybe you should try making a schedule on what you should do each day. Try to have a limited time you can spend on the computer. Go out and find a job, I think that's the best way of doing something (if you're old enough).

  2. I was a procrastinator too, try forcing yourself to do the things you have to and reward yourself with 10 minute breaks every 2 hours. Then when your done, either move on with other things you must do, or if there is nothing else to do relax.

  3. Make an A, B, C list. Just write everthing you want to get done in the next, lets say 2 months, and write it down on a scrap piece of paper. Then you put an A, for most important, B for important but can wait a little, or C, not that important but has to get done in a certain amount of time. Then make yourself a chart with the letters A, B, C and put the things underneath the letter that corresponds. good luck.  

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