
I'm a bit scared, please don't take the mick?

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I was just playing a hymn that was sung in my grandfather's funeral on the piano and half way through I heard the sound of bells shaking. I stopped playing and after a few seconds the bells stopped. There aren't ANY bells about in my house or outside.

I'm a bit scared.




  1. they are probally church bells which you can hear but never have heard before and the recent death of your  grandfather has opened your ears!

  2. I think your grandfather was letting you know that he is watching out for you and the bells are his way of letting you know hes thear. Thear is no reason to be scared .

  3. Keep playing anyway. They want to play along. Everytime you hear a bell, it means an angel earned their wings.

  4. he's just saying he is there and looking over you. nothing to be scared of!

  5. There are ways that the dead try to contact us. Your grandfather knew that song was played at his funeral, you were probably thinking about him as you played it. Dont be afraid, he loves you and is still with you and is pleased that you think of him

  6. It just means he's there with you. Don't be scared. He's there as a spirit but that's no reason to be scared of him!!

  7. People just don't get it till something happens to them.  

    Once I attended a cleansing ceremony, called a smudging, of a building on a Native American campus where plains children were sent during the 1800's.  

    As I followed the holy-man with the ceremony items, an antique tin barrette fell out of the air about 3-ft behind me and clinked on the floor.  There was no one behind me in the broad hallway and the door had shut behind me about 7-ft away.  

    There have been other things happen too but it would take too long to tell them all.  I don't care what others think but there seems to be time and space beyond us and our explanations.

  8. Your garandad wants to give you thumbs up.

  9. this shows there is another world around us but invisible to us

  10. Don't be. Ask if it's your gf. See what happens. Call someone before you do it, if it makes you feel better, you aren't afraid of your grandfather are you?

  11. i can completely emphasise with how you feel. This is just a short bit of your past being imagined by your mind. This is completely normal, especially from such a traumatic event. Many people get this and i hope this has made you more comfortable.

  12. I think there is nothing to afraid

  13. There is an old myth that when you hear bells ringing where there are none, an angel received their wings.

  14. It's old grand dad taking the mick on you....

  15. don't be.

    the spirit world cannot harm you physically, so find peace in that. maybe that's the way someone's communicating wth you. think about a memories of a time of your life with bells. and think about that song; the words, and the message. maybe the entity is trying to give you a message.

  16. Hi! We're Jessica, Ryan, and Haleigh and we're ghost hunters! Yes ghost are real no doubt about that. Your grandfather is around you. He loves you so much. So don't be afraid of him just because he's a spirit now. He's the same but in a different way. we know that sounds sort of weird but we think you know what we mean. Next time you hear anything like that try to comunicate with him. Let him know you love him too.

    We hope we've helped you in any way. We've been ghost hunting for a long time now.

    -Jessica, Ryan, and Haleigh the ghost hunters

  17. ooo i would grab the phone and dial 911 and freak out (but thatz just me)

  18. Would you be scared if he was still alive and walked into the room? It's the same..don't be's beautiful really

    His mode of communication has changed.

  19. Congratulations on successfully contacting those beyond. Even by accident, it's still a huge feat. From here, you should try contact again. If using the song helps you, then it can be a great tool. Though it's most likely that he was simply letting you know he was there, it's still possible that he wants to communicate with you; he may want something. So, I'd try it again. If using the piano doesn't work, try going to a quiet meditation area and focussing on trying to call back his spirit.

    Good luck!

  20. aw, don't be scared.

    it means he's there with you :)

    enjoy the moment. don't be afraid.


  21. dnt worry hes with you.. he loves u... its just a way of showing it...

  22. What kind of bells?

    Like Church bells or tiny bells one would find on pet collars?

    What you heard may have been distorted, since you were inside when you heard it.

    And it could have been a number of things...........

    There is music that has bells in it.

    It could have been the sound of a neighbor dropping a wrench on concrete.

    It could have come from someones TV or radio.

    But why would you be scared of that?

    Personally, I would be more concerned about gunfire outside of my home.

  23. Maybe it was your neighbors bells or the ice cream truck.

  24. your garndfather loved you. it's just him comunicating with you from heaven through God...

  25. very sorry, but did you ever think that it could be a co-incidence. think about it, if he hadn't have died and you heard bells, would you still have questioned it as much. It could be anything but of all things if anything why would you try to be contacted via bells.

    Im not trying to be impolite, I'm merely pointing out fact, and how erratic people can be when they have been through a traumatic event.

  26. Lot's of good answers already.  I'll just say, don't be scared.  Many things exist that we can't always perceive & don't understand.  Just l**k bacteria & germs, they existed even before there were detectable by science. Be open to experiencing new things, clear your mind & you will begin to experience things around you that have always been there.  Don't be scared & don't allow other to diminish your experiences.

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