
I'm a brand new rat owner...?

by  |  earlier

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And I wanted to classify my rats, so I looked up the various genetics and whatnot. But I still want to be sure, so I was wondering if any of you rat owners who really know your rats could help.

I think I might have an idea of what they are, but I'm probably wrong so I wanted some other input.

I think one is a standard-coated, champagne hooded top-eared buck; however, he has a darker brown smudge on his nose, and his fur is softer than his companion's. I think the other is a standard-coated, silver lilac hooded Dumbo buck. I know for sure he's a Dumbo (obviously) but he could be a chocolate or a plain lilac.

So I have pictures, although I know that won't be REALLY reliable. Still, I'd like opinions.




  1. Beautiful rats! I think they are all right, but Loki might have a little bit of siamese in him because of the light brown markings!

  2. Your lighter rat is a Siamese. Looks like Berkshire markings, based on the white feet.

    Your dark rat is an Agouti Hooded Dumbo.

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