His mother is 38 and this is her first baby, so most likely he is held all the time. I cuddle him several times a day, read to him, & play games with him, but when I put him in the playpen for just a few minutes to go to the kitchen, restroom, etc..he gets hysterical. As soon as I come back in the room & pick him up he just starts smiling. He had a dr. appt yesterday because she felt his crying fits might be a result of ear infection or teething but the doctor said he's perfectly healthy.
He also won't go to sleep without being rocked, put down with a bottle, or put in a baby swing.
With my 2nd and 3rd daughters, I let them cry it out when they would cry to be picked up or cried to get to sleep, but I also made sure they had an equal balance of cuddling so they felt secure that I was there for them. For the most part they learned in about 30 days how to put themselves to sleep and entertain themselves. I learned to do this because I spoiled my first child with holding her all the time and she didn't stop sleeping in my bed or stop having tantrums until she was 10.
I feel bad about doing this for a child I'm paid to keep, but I also feel that picking him up every time he cries or showing him attention every time he cries, or by not teaching him to fall asleep without bottles or swings will cause him (which he is already beginning to do) to pitch screaming fits to get what he wants.
For my own sake, it's much easier to just to give him the bottle or put him in the swing because I only have him for 9 hours a day and like many parents, giving them whatever they demand to make them stop crying is the easiest thing.
I think I should care for him like I did my own, but I feel like the mom thinks he should be held any time he cries.
Any advice?