
I'm a christian who is in love with a hindu girl who is also my collegue ( but from other team)?

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I know she loves me (It was she who started this relation) ,but we never admited telling each other that we love .But an important thing is that she doen't know I'm a christian. I'm afraid if she come to know this,I might loose her.Can someone pls guide me, how to go about it... I can't think of loosing her .But still I know ,if something such happens,I have to give up......but how ???




  1. first of all if both do like each other then u both shld honestly tell each other what u r, dnt be afraid tht ur christan, man this is 21st centuary, does cast ,religion matters to u, cummon man, be honest, and if she really loves u , she will accept u for what u r,and if ny thing goes wrong, dnt give up try to make her understand tht, before she knew u were christan she had no problem, and now tht she knos she has problem, why? ask her if it happens. Show her ur love man.

    And if she doesnt say she loves u, u make the move first, coz 99% times girls dont make first move.

    and wats the gurantee tht she doesnt kno u r a christan, after all our appearence tells something abt us isnt it.

    all the best.

  2. If you can't tell her who you really are, then your relationship is not built on the truth, but on pretenses.

    Furthermore, if you take your faith seriously, consider 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers..."  Hard words, I know, but wise in a very practical way.  If you don't share the same faith, it will become a bone of contention, especially when you have children and have to decide in which faith they will be raised.

    I don't envy you your position.  This has to be very hard.

    I wish you nothing but the very best.

  3. it is better if you tell her about your religion. Why you hide your religion. if she disagree, then you both can convert to a third religion, neither Christianity nor Hinduism.

  4. u are talling that u loves her & she also than why are u affraiding man!!!!! be practical,don't warry, if she really loves u then she also excepting u as u found its way itself. gooooood luck.

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