
I'm a distance runner- but how can I become faster? (vs. building endurance)?

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I am a decent distance runner, but when doing track workouts my 800 time is practicly the pace of my 2mile! (aka slow)

I need some advice on how to build up speed to be an overall faster XC runner, while still maintaining endurance and distance.




  1. Interval training.! :D

  2. Build up your endurance up to 5K, then 2 miles will seem like nothing to run.  Do hill repeats and speed drills, jump rope (jump with speed, double jump per rope turnover) to improve on your cadence.  Cycling helps develope your quads (especially cycling on hills).  Train with faster runners always help too, keeps you on your competitive edge.

  3. do resistance training. run up hills; run with the sled (if available); do polymetrics; and work on 200's all out for you, because you need to build the fast twitch muscles. so run 200's all out and also work on your 400's. the faster they get the faster the 800 will get. then once you've built speed then you work on running 200's evenly like setting up cones at every 200 and have somebody time you for each of the 200's at your race pace time for the 800m.

    it will take time trust me, i had the exact same problem, but now i run the 800 under 2 mins.

  4. well, a 2 mile runners like you, is built for in durance. now the 800 is a little faster than the 3200 so you running the 800, is like me, a 1600 runner, running the 100. just to fast for me.  I stick with the 1600, that way the 800 is a cake walk that i am guaranteed to get first in. Are you picken' up what i'm puten' down?

  5. u need to start faster from the beginning,i mean ur first 1-6 u need to adjust ur angle when u bow down ur body,better 30 degrees then slowly to 45 degrees.always elbow ur legs against the wall in order to make ur legs more flexible n try to jump high n far like triple fact it's not an easy task to do all these,but if u've strong will i think u can remedy all these problems.good luck.

  6. well first of all you should run a couple a miles to get used to it and try to pace it every other time you run. your time should get better and while your running you should stride,and pump your arms. keep your hands loose, because you want all the energy you can get.

  7. this is a good workout i do to keep my 3 mileendurance and my 400m speed good also

    monday-distance run 3 hard miles or 30 minute interval

    run 5 mins easy!!!! easy!!! sprint 30seconds balls out. u can lower or raise the easy time but as long as you sprint top speed like nothing matters in the world you are building up speed endurance.

    tuesday-distance run 5 miles moderate.

    wensday-weight room(squat, leg curl, lunges with a wieght bar) followed by a easy 3 mile.

    thursday-distance run 5-6 miles easy pace.

    friday-hill running sprint up and sprint down. take a break and repeat 5-10 times

  8. Interval training.  12x400m



    And such

    Also sprints up steep hills help your stride and speed.

  9. What exactly is your time. mine is 2 mins 46 secs. To train Right before a race I warm up with everybody in the beginning and than 15 mins before my race I strech and sometimes do strides(sprints) or run around the field once. All my friends say the secret is eating a banana a hour before the race. Longterm you should run a couple of miles everyday and than go to the weightroom, don't forget to work out your arms as well as your legs. run a easy run the day before a race-i mile, light weight room workout.

  10. Try running trails with hills.... sprint up the hill... jog down

    or just practice sprinting in general.

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