
I'm a dream w***e??

by  |  earlier

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i'm not even close to a w***e in real life... but i have dreams all the time of me flirting and sometimes making out and sometimes being pretty whorish, why do i have these dreams??




  1. Maybe you fantasize to be an outgoing girl.

  2. dreams are often compensatory, you obviously want to have a strong sexual relationship with someone and this is not being completely fulfilled in real life.

  3. You're only 14?  Geez, you're just growing up.  These kinds of dreams are normal for puberty.

  4. Su porque usted es realmente córneo

  5. Lmao thats TOTALLY normal.

    I do that too, and I'm not anywhere near w***e-ish in real life.

    It's just hormones.

  6. ur not being a w***e at all. Its ur horomones raging. Everyone has some sort of dream like that every once in a while. hope that helped and dont stress over it too much. its totally normal

  7. well, i refer you to this site.

    it might answer your question:-) good luck

  8. Depends whether you believe in the meaning of dreams. Personally, I believe dreams are a subconscience thought you have about something that is bothering you. In my opinion, I think you have a lot of libido in you, and maybe you want to be set free from something or someone, not in the sexual tense. Maybe you feel restricted from something, like you cannot do something you want to do. Take time to think about your life, and see if you can match something to your dreams. Good luck.

  9. You are just acting out in your dreams ways you may fantasize about but would never actually want to do in real life.  It is totally normal
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