
I'm a duck in england,where do i fly and how?

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doing a report on migratory birds."i'm" in england and going to africa.




  1. with your wings and you already answered your question North Africa however also depends on what type of duck you may find the weather pleasant enough to stay in jolly ole England as your winters are not that severe

  2. Well those smartypants sure were a lot of help weren't they! Try looking at Wikipedia under "bird migration" and at the national Audubon society's website "" Perhaps you have a local birdwatching society with someone who can help you more specifically (look in the yellow pages - on the 'net or otherwise).   The following site has some info on birds' 6th sense - that gives them the ability to know how and when  to fly from A to B . If it is too technical for you to understand (I don't know your age) get an adult to help you

    Our atlas of the world has a page with a big spread of the "flyways" (the pathways in the sky) that birds use to migrate throughout the world.  Perhaps your school or public library or local bookshop has a large atlas, or other birding book with this info too. Don't forget that books are still a great way to find out info!  

    Good luck!  Sounds like a great subject - animals are so fascinating!

  3. Fly into a jet engine.

  4. Fly with your wings... and also go by water, go to your destination but don't forget to stop for food and water. Have a nice trip.

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