
I'm a fellon my step son is awol can I be charged with aiding and abetting?

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He left the marine corp about three months ago. And refuses to go back. He is dodging deployment. I have told his fahter to quit being his friend and be his dad. He says he plans on turning himself in January or 09....I've done my time and I don't want to do his...HELP




  1. No one has been prosecuted for aiding and abetting an

    AWOL service member since Vietnam.

    You should go to and if you cant get an answer from the website call their free hotline. They are experts on this topic.

    On a side note it is rediculous that people keep bringing up death as a punishment for desertion. Yes it is technichally a possibility but the last person to be executed for desertion was 49 years ago. Since the start of the Iraq war over 40,000 soldiers from all branches have deserted and none of them were executed. Even back in WWII when execution was more likely 49 out of 21,000 deserters were sentenced to death and only ONE was executed.

    To date, no service member from the Iraq war has received a sentence of more than 18 months for desertion or missing movement.

  2. Yes!

    I am a three tour combat Marine!

    Be a man and go face up.

    The FBI will show up at your door as home is the first place they look.

  3. Legally you can be, but I don't think they'll take it that far.

  4. 1.  he is no longer AWOL.  He is now a deserter.  

    2.  You can be charged with harboring a fugitive if you are harboring him.  If you simply know where he is but are not helping him, you are committing no crime.

  5. If he's not a registered conscientious objector (note he'd have to have done that BEFORE all this) then he's a deserter.  Under that, you're harboring a fugitive and could be in as much trouble as he is.  It's highly unlikely it could ever happen, but one of the penalties for desertion in the time of war, is death.  At the very least he can expect to spend quite some time in Leavenworth.

  6. If he isn't living with you...deny, deny, deny.  They have nothing on you.

  7. I guess when your own mother is a felon, your moral compass is a little askew. I mean if you had no regard for rules and laws, then why should he? Our children learn by our example.

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