
I'm a female INTJ. Is this common?

by Guest45124  |  earlier

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I was wondering because when I read a long list of famous INTJs, only a few were were women, including Jane Austen.




  1. I think it would be. A mastermind rationalist would see women having equal rights as a given.

  2. Has anyone ever read the traits of the sixteen personality types. It's like reading a horoscope: people recognise what they want to recognise.

    edit - Curious that so many people here are INTJ, yet they're so rare. According to past tests, so am I. How is this possible?

  3. Female INTJs are very rare. I'm one, too.  

  4. Interesting.  I also scored INTJ recently when our new employer gave us the test, though I too am male.  However, IMHO, such psychological tests are little better than pseudoscience and I would never take them seriously.

    As George Boole (above) just said reading your personality trait on the Meyers-Briggs test is like reading your horoscope.  Each trait is so general it could apply to anyone.  You would think the test pegged you right regardless of what it said.  In fact those were my exact words to the examiner when she gave us our scores.  I told her it was no different than reading your horoscope.  She became quite irate at the comparison. LOL

  5. Well there have been few women in history compared to men in general...thus few women listed as INTJs.  I would suspect think has more to do with it than anything.

  6. *shrug*  I'm an ISTP.  Maybe it is or maybe it isn't but I will say this.  Just because something is very common doesn't mean it's bad and just become something is "rare" doesn't mean it's good *wink*  But I'm going to assume you're a good person :P.

  7. Based on what I've read on the topic

    - Most people aren't I's. . . I've heard it's usually 75% E/25% I overall

    - women tend to more often be F's than T's. . . again, something like 75% F/25% T

    You're in fairly small company, although you probably adapt just fine.  The modern ordered society likes J's.

  8. The Myers-Brigg is an iffy personality test, at best.  The idea that there are sixteen kinds of people doesn't really capture it.  Human personality exists on dimensions of varying degrees.  For example, you aren't just an extravert or an introvert - you display varying levels of extraversion/introversion across a number of situations.  So, I would take the MBTI with a big grain of salt.  It is kind of fun, and a way to think about yourself, and maybe useful insofar as it gets you to think about how others are different - but I wouldn't make any personal decisions on it or worry about your results.

    As far as women and INTJ, I don't know the stats - but I wouldn't trust the "famous people" information you saw, especially if the famous people existed before the MBTI.  Jane Austen would certainly qualify.  The experts are guessing what people would be based on their impressions.  It is pretty poor psychological measurement based on a pretty poor psychological measure.

  9. As far as I know, INTJs are the rarest group in the Myers-Briggs system, less than 2 percent, if I remember correctly. I can't say if there are fewer female than male INTJs, but since INTJs are so rare in general, perhaps it is just harder to find examples. Women did and still do not have equal opportunities, and thus perhaps aren't public figures as often.

    I'm also an INTJ, albeit male.

  10. I'm an INTP - almost like you, but perceiving and not judging.  Hello!

  11. I am one too. It's very rare. I heard that 1% of the general population is INTJ, and 25% of that 1% i s female.

  12. I just took the test online (I'm not sure if it's accurate online) and I'm INTJ as well.  My results are:

    Introverted (I) 63.41% Extroverted (E) 36.59%

    Sensing (S) 57.78% Intuitive (N) 42.22%

    Thinking (T) 80.65% Feeling (F) 19.35%

    Judging (J) 63.64% Perceiving (P) 36.36%

  13. Good question! I was an INTJ and now I'm ENTJ. I think it is common.

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