
I'm a female INTJ on the Myers-Briggs personality test. Can you describe the personality type of INTJ?

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I want to know more about this group of people that I belong to.




  1. Congrats on finding out your personality type. It should reveal a lot about who you are, help you understand yourself better, and maybe help you work on some of your weaker areas. I can't give you a short, sweet answer to your question. The best thing is to read the links I provide and acknowledge the traits you have. Not every trait will fit you. Within every personality type are differences or else there wouldn't be much diversity in the world.

    INTJs might be considered the scientist type or free thinker (see links below). A preview of what you'll learn about yourself:

    "INTJs are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at things. They enjoy coming to new understandings. They are insightful and mentally quick; however, this mental quickness may not always be outwardly apparent to others since they keep a great deal to themselves. They are very determined people who trust their vision of the possibilities, regardless of what others think. They may even be considered the most independent of all of the sixteen personality types. INTJs are at their best in quietly and firmly developing their ideas, theories, and principles.

    INTJs learn best when they can design their own approach and when they are able to absorb themselves in an area that interests them. They tend to focus on systems, theories, and constructs relating to universal truths and principles. They prefer challenging teachers, ones who meet their standards. High grade-point averages and test scores tend to characterize INTJs, who like rigorous academic work. Learning needs to be a creative process. Rote memory can be dull and boring for the INTJ.

    INTJs are the most self-confident of all types, having "self-power" awareness. Found in about 1 percent of the general population, the INTJs live in an introspective reality, focusing on possibilities, using thinking in the form of empirical logic, and preferring that events and people serve some positive use. Decisions come naturally to INTJs' once a decision is made, INTJs are at rest. INTJs look to the future rather than the past, and a word which captures the essence of INTJs is builder-a builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models."

    Have you ever watched "Crime Scene Investigation" (Nevada)? I think Grissom is an INTJ. Famous INTJs:


  3. ha you took that test too?

    Heres my best shot.

    an INTJ:

    Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance for themselves and others.

    I got this straight off this answer sheet. Btw I'm and ISTJ.

    Hope this helps.  

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