
I'm a fifth grade teacher; students are getting antsy due to the end of year commotion. help?

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I teach fifth grade. My students are being very antsy and disruptive to the learning process due to end-of-year excitement. (examples; poor behavior choices, not following rules, doing poorly on tests, disinterested in lessons)

PLEASE help!




  1. This is very normal, and that's why I plan for my students to partake in student-directed activities the last few weeks of school. What are you working on right now in the class? We are creating a classroom newspaper, doing dinosaur reports, etc. Bottom line: if you're excited about it, they will be too. I don't suggest using extrinsic rewards to help their behavior. It won't last long. (games, videos)

  2. well i think no matter what the kids are going to be excited about the end of the year, heck i remember i was!!

    how about providing something for them to look forward to at the end of each day if they are able to cooperate?? like a movie or a game they can play

  3. I agree; student directed group activities are your best bet.  This is completely normal, and you'll hit it every year - once the weather turns warm, the kids can't wait to be done!

    Change things up a bit and allow them to be involved in something that really interests them, that causes them to interact with the material in a different way.  It'll make the last two or three weeks go by a whole lot faster, both for them and for you.

    Good luck!

  4. Yes it's alomst over! Sorry I can't contain my joy but as far as student directed activities go I think that is the best route. I'm a 4th grade teacher and I have a student who drives me up the wall, darn that NCLB. I have pretty good management and I find that "busy work" does just that keeps them busy.

  5. provide "free time" in the last 30 minutes of the day. Include in your classroom management a way they "earn" this. This also provides a release for them.

    Another idea is to write an incentive "field trip" "extra recess" etc on a piece of paper and tape it to each student's desk. Each time a student doesn't behave a letter gets crossed off. Who ever gets all their letters crossed off before the event comes, they can't participate.

  6. My students started getting antsy as well.  I put up new art work in the hall and new bulletin boards in the classrooms.  As the behavior continued, I asked why I would work to redecorate our classroom if school was almost over.  This will help with their mindset, but not fix everything.  Plan lessons that are more engaging and stick to the rules/consequences/routines/procedures as much as possible as your schedule is altered for end of school activities.  Try not to alter your room as much as possible.  If they see you packing up, they will decide its over.

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