
I'm a forward in a roller hockey league...any tips?

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I am a 13 year old boy and i was wondering if some one could give me any tips to become the next Sidney Crosby?




  1. Practice as much as you can

    work on hand-eye cordination

    work out (especially your legs, i think speed is more important than stick handling)

    dont be afraid to try new things, especially during a game

    its all pretty much just practicing and you have to have to be committed.  Also try ice hockey

    O ya and dont forget to DIVE!

  2. Sidney Crosby is really good with his finesse with the puck. It is a skill that requires a lot of practice. Absolutely build up your legs. Sometimes I practice shooting by using a tennis ball against my garage. Every bit of your game is important. Crash the goal and screen the goalie whenever the play is up front. Help to set up plays and work on your passing. Ice hockey is easier than roller btw.

  3. Well, I am a 13 year old girl, and the things i do to improve my Forward skills is make cones out of paper cups and other materials that I find around my house. I Stick handle around the "cones". I exersize my upperbody to get good streangth to check (if your team allowes it) and shoot the Puck with good streangth. I also try to walk as much as i can to build up muscle in my legs so I can skate fast if i ever get breakaways. Another important thing to rememberDON'T THINK ABOUT LOOKING GOOD!  don't think about what your doing. If you think about doing things correctly or looking good doing it, you don't play that good... Trust me. Just try not to be a "hero" and not pass the puck and  stuff, You need all of your teammates help, so passs the puck and don't be a "hero".Thats it for now that I can think of.....  

    E-mail me if you need help again :)

  4. play ice

    improve ur shooting power and accuracy

    skate fast and hard

    improve stickhandling

    make sure u can play with ur head constantly up for a long time

    a lot of other important stuff

    good luck. how long have u been playing?

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