
I'm a foster kid, so what do I call my brothers and sisters (the kids in the family I'm with)?

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I call them by name, and my foster parents by "Mrs. Lori and Mark". But what about the other kids (and there are quite a few of them considering they each had some, married, had some more, and adopted/foster)? i refer to my foster parents as "my mom and my dad" when talking to friends or on here because i feel i fit in well with this family, they love me (i'm here long term), and its easier than explaing everything to everybody when i say "foster mom". but for the other kids, i've just been saying, my brother or my sister (whether they were other foster kids, his bio, his adop, her bio, her adop, their bio, their adop). but is their a proper term? like they all refer to me as "my brother", a few times when i first got here they've said "my foster bro", but not anymore. but they aren't in foster care (well, 2 are, but the others aren't), so is just saying my brother/sister ok? is there a technical term? thanks




  1. For my money, the requirement that two people be related by blood to call each other brother or sister is very overblown.  I've had unrelated folks call me dad, grandpa, brother, and cousin.  and every single one of them have been and are very dear to me.  I know of no better terms to recommend to you.

  2. call them by there name, i dont call my brother bro,, or hey brother,, unless there mom and dad, just call them by there name,,

  3. Of course you can call them brother or sister. It is what makes you feel comfortable, and also that term is for 'a male associate or fellow member of an organization'. When you have two men who are close to each other, they can refer to each other as 'Bro' because they are so close, it doesn't make a difference if they are related or not!

    I think you should call them brother, especially if that's what they call you! I hope everything works out for you :)

  4. Joel, glad to hear you are settled in!  If they are calling you their brother, then I think it would be fine to refer to them as your brother or sister.  You might want to ask them.  If you've got someone else there that was in foster care, they may have a better idea of what would be appropriate.  With this situation, I don't think there's a proper term, it just is what helps you to feel comfortable.  Hope all continues to go well for you!  

  5. first of all let me say I'm happy that you have found a home you're happy in, many many foster children aren't so lucky. I think it's fine to just call them your brothers and sisters. I always remember "The Brady Bunch" (I know I'm showing my age here) but when they got married, their kids all called each other brother and sister and called the parents Mom and Dad. It was considered just a normal thing.  

  6. As you know more than most other people on the planet, families can come in all different forms. If the other kids are comfortable calling you their brother then just call them your brother or sister. Only close friends really need the complicated family diagram.

    How cool that you are so close with this family that you all refer to them that way.

    Technically, you can call any of them your foster brother or sister because even if they are not in foster care, they are part of your foster family so if you want to make the distinction like if you are writing an essay about your life and how in some ways you are alone in a family of one but in other ways you are part of a huge houseful of people you call your parents and brothers and sisters, then you would make the distinction.

    Don't worry about it. If they are calling you their "brother" then you are.

  7. I don't know if there is a technical term but sounds like you are a proper family anyway! If you feel comfortable with that and so do they then I would call them my brothers and sisters. You are so lucky to be placed with a family that has truly helped you to be a part of and 'm sure that they consider you to be their son and brother!

  8. Say whatever you feel. Technically they are your foster siblings, but you dont have to be technical about it...If you concider them your brothers and sisters, then thats what you can call them...its a good thing...i have a half brother, but he is my brother regardless of the technicals...

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