
I'm a freshman at highschool, & Starting next week we will be swimming in PE...?

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I'm not the skinniest thing every :/

I weigh about 120 & I'm 5'1

I'm really self concious because my guy friends are like

"oh yeah i cant wait to see you in a bikni"

as if theyre expecting this great body

but underneath my clothes is really some chunkiness x)

I do NOTTTT want to wear a one-piece

or clothes

thats not an option.

I want to wear a bikini, but how can I feel more confident & Possiballly flatten my tummy & inner theighs before next week?? ://




  1. -stop drinking sodas and milk-only drink water

    - cut out the junk food

    - try to eat under 1000 calories a day

    - do 100 sit ups everyday. you can divide it up; like 50 before school. 50 after school. etc.

    good luck and be confident, i think you are pretty :)

  2. Do 100 crunches right before to tighten your stomach temporarily. Seventeen recommended this.

  3. just do 200 sit ups a day. 50 in the morning, 50 after school, 50 after dinner, 50 before bed. each night. that should work

  4. If you want to you can get those really cute one pieces that are kind of like two pieces that show everything but you're stomach. The sides are cut out so that the one piece flashes over your belly button. They are REALLY cute!

  5. You can't do anything that will work by next week. Your body is fine. Guys in high school will like just about any girl in a bikini. Just be confident in yourself because there is nothing wrong with your body type.  

  6. yeah that other guy is definitly right.

    don't worry about it. most high schoolers want to see everything in a bikini.

    after you're finished that swimming unit, you'll realize how big of a deal you made it. it really doesnt matter as long as you have fun.

  7. Well if it were me I would do some planks, crunches, and the one where you lay on your back with your legs straight up and then bring them down slowly, just before they are ready to hit the floor lift your upper back so your head is off the floor and hold it for 10 seconds. Those are some of the ones we use for dance. But I wouldn't worry about it too much because you sound like you are at a healthy body weight, 22.7 body mass index so if worst comes to worst I would say just suck it in. Also I'm sure everyone else is just as worried so be confident and no one will notice. Good luck :)

  8. You can do so much with only a week.

  9. well.

    you can't do so much in a week.

    you can go on a fruit and vegetable diet for 2 weeks.

    and i suggest you do where that one piece, if you're so conscious about your body.

    otherwise, just start exercising and dieting now, so that LATER ON in the'll have a 's**y' body..

    in a week, you might lose like 2 lbs.

    if you're doing it healthy.

  10. ha ha have fun :)

  11. I saw your other question about you wearing make-up and it had the picture of you with a bikini. If you still look like that, then you're fine (which is a understatement). Don't worry. It's all good.

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