
I'm a frightening woman.....should i dress goth? ?

by  |  earlier

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I really do frighten people because i'm awkward, depressive and cold. i have an uptightness that seems to really scare people. I'm thinking of dressing in all black so that ppl know what to expect. I hate being a wolf in sheep's you think people would be less frightened if my clothes better matched my personality?




  1. sure go right ahead ;D

  2. try to improve yourself. style of clothes if worn to advantage will

    improve your image of yourself. be more confident and dress to

    suit your self and the weather. Don't worry what others  think.

  3. What you wear doesn't define who you are. You should dress in whatever you like or feels comfortable in. Everyone is different and unique in their own ways. Only immature people are frightened of someone who's different. I know I wouldn't be frightened of you. You described yourself as awkward, depressive, and cold. Why so negative on yourself? I betcha there's a positive side of you somewhere. Maybe you should show the postive side more, and people wouldn't be frightened of you. Good Luck!

  4. no. I feel you shouldnt dress a certain way in order to stereotype yourself. you should probably work on what makes you seem frightening if it bothers you. and in my experience ive never come across a truly frieghtening 'goth' as you have described. in fact they were more interesting at arms length to me but when i got to know them they were no different than any other proposed stereotype that is applied to divide and organize people into social cliques.

  5. ' Goth' is not going to help you any. It seems like the real problem is your lack of self esteem. A therapist could help. Or.. just go into a nice store and go to the sweaters and just close your eyes and feel the textures and choose one that is soft and luxurious, and choose a nice blue or green, it could help you to feel more open, if you are wearing something you love.  

  6. Well, dressing in black will sure show people who they THINK they know you. I am 51, and when I see younger folks all dressed in black, with the long trench coats, dyed black hair, etc, it just looks silly. You may be a bit depressed as your question alluded to that. Why not find out WHY you are that way first? Then if you want to do some self expression, as least you will feel good, or better about it. Take care.

  7. Well you definitely aren't trying to fit in :D.

    Sure, why not dress in black? Be who you are.

  8. Do you know what I think I think you should do what you feel like if you want to wear black and black make-up just do it.Sometimes I feel cold I am guessing your going through depression you need people that would brighten your day like me = ) Well I am not always like this lol Well I guess you should wear black it s all up to you..

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