
I'm a gambler. Sometimes I win sometimes I lose. Is their anything wrong with controled cambling?

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It's win money or the cost of living will eat it up.




  1. I've gambled my whole life, over all I am ahead. There is a lot of sucker bets out there, don't gamble just to gamble, be patient wait for the odds to be in your favor then bet the farm.

  2. The house always wins.

    Gambling is basically dumb. It's as dumb as obama in office. You never win in the long run. But, I have a little system. I'll bet 100 and then when I win over that100, I put it away and don't touch it. At least I didn't lose.  Then I play with the winnings only, and keep incrementally putting half the winnings away. At the end, I usually do win. Its a small amount unless you bet huge monies. I play black jack only. Anything else is flipping a coin.

  3. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you are spending disposable income. Its a problem when people use their bill and food money or their children's college funds.

  4. There's nothing wrong with it.  If you enjoy wasting money, go for it.

    Of course, it's more fun to just take a big pile of money and light it on fire.

  5. If you need to ask this question, then you have a problem- and there is help available to treat it. People who gamble get addicted to the thrills of it- the behavior causes a chemical reaction in the pleasure centers of the brain which is similar to that produced by narcotics or other "high" producing drugs. But, in order for treatment to be effective, you MUST WANT TO STOP, and WANT TO CHANGE. If you don't, no amount of therapy or treatment will be effective.

    What's it going to take to get you to realize that this is a problem for you? Do you need to go into debt, lose your house, lose your spouse or kids, or something similar? Maybe you're the kind that has to be facing legal action because of gambling before you see the light and stop doing it- I would hope not, but only you know the answer to that.

    I hope you get help- there are Gamblers' Annonyomous chapters in almost every state, and there is a national hotline for GA in your phone book. Give them a call- they can help.

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