
I'm a g*y guy in love with my straight best friend - what should I do?

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This has been going on for about a year now and I have no idea what to do. I have known him for 8 years and he is my best friend in the world. I would do anything for him as he would for me. He is straight and a total ladies man; whenever we are out he is always picking up girls numbers. He has loads of self-confidence whereas I have none, which was the reason he thought I never spoke to girls in bars. Anyways he knows that I'm g*y and is cool with it, but in the past year I have been looking at him in a completely different way. He is no longer my arrogant, cocky friend, but the gentle, kind guy who is always there for me. I think of him all the time. When we walk home after a night out and he hugs me I never want him to let go, then he does and I feel like crying. I want to tell him I have feelings for him, but I'm terrified that it could crush what we have now. What should I do?




  1. You have to move on. Keep him as a best friend, but as one who isn't available.  It's easy to develop the feelings you have because emotionally he has been there for you.  By that I mean accepting who you are but still being a great friend.  However, as a totally staright man, he doesn't have the same feelings and if you press it, you run the risk of pushing him out of your life.

    So move on, get a g*y boyfriend and double date

  2. Don't risk it. You could drop a hint like you sure look good today. Even something off track could spring a lose. So stay cool, be there, but try to look for someone else. If you find someone he might be jealous or not. That will answer your question of what to do.  

  3. He is straight.  That means he is NOT available.  Find someone who is g*y and available.  I mean think about it.  It would be like going after a L*****n.  What would be the point of that?

  4. Do not tell him, you would be risking a good friendship. He knows you are g*y and apparently cares very much about you so, if he ever discovers that he has romantic feelings for you i'm sure you will be the first person he tells. Sorry babe, you've got to get past those feelings you have for him and go back to seeing as the good friend he is.  

  5. well, i guess all you can do is ask, but make sure that you tell him first that the fallowing information does not change how you will act around him.  i think 8 years is long enough that he will not ditch you as a friend if he does not like you.  he will almost certainly say no. but there is no harm in asking.

  6. You just got to get over it. I know it most suck, but it would just be like a very good girl friend coming up to you and telling you that she loves you and all that jazz, that is how he will feel. Also, he probably won't take it that well, even if he was accepting. Just let it go, there are more fish in the sea.

  7. Ok, 8 years.

    I think I said enough!


    Look, you've known him for eight years. He knows you are g*y, and he might be ok with it, but he might not take it so lightly if he finds out you like him like that. I wouldn't risk what you have on feelings you been having only for the past year. Yeah it hurts. I've known my straight friend for two years only and, well I won't go into my story, but I'm not going to risk losing him because of my feelings. It means too much to me.

    If you don't want to lose what you have, I wouldn't try it. Be his friend. And I'm sure you have accepted the fact that nothing will become of you two. You know he's straight. For eight years you've known. It sucks, believe me.

  8. well im not really sure,i mean he might not feel comfortable whith you anymore,do you know hes compltetly straight? well im sorry i couldnt help so much.good luck.

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