
I'm a girl and I get oversensitive sometimes.Is that bad?

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I don't want to but sometimes I'll get easily offended (esp. if someone seems to be ignoring me) and I can tear up easily.Not really cry but I'll get emotional.Is anything wrong with that?I don't think in this day and age people want girls to have watery eyes.I guess I can sometimes wear my emotions on my sleeves.... *sigh*




  1. be practical in life...& U'll go a long way.

    Just try to figure out howmuch U yourself ignore other people....but they never seem to matter... either to you, or to them.

    Try not to be selfcentered or U'll land U'rself in perpetual self-concious


    It is better to cultivate a selfless attitude /approach in life & U'll see everything working out in U'r favour.

    Emotions are natural to human beings..however try to keep it under your control & scrutiny...& if some times it does go out of your control,

    allow yourself the freedom ...afterall U'r a humanbeing.

    I wish that U grow to be  'BOLD & BEAUTIFUL'

  2. You are a good girl with a pure heart... you want to be the central some times its not bad but to try to limited to a certain point.. And its not bad to cry... everyone cry even if it isn't in eyes but in soul..

  3. aww hunnie

    dont worry its perfectly normal

    u have hormones runing riots in your body

    some people can fight the tears bck more than others and u shuldnt be ashamed.

    and dont care wat people expect in this day and age because many people cant even talk

    be proud of who u r no matter wat


    i wish i could show my emotions more

  4. My guess is that others in your situation may be just as sensitive, but their inability to express it is actually a weakness, not a strength.

  5. Don't worry, I'm too emotional too and it's nothing wrong with that. It's all about your hormones, not you.

  6. hmmm i kno wat u mean.its not bad.u just gotta learn how to control your emotions.because sometimes getttin mad or sad over things makes u seem "weak".

  7. it is natural for girls to be sensitive, some get hardened over time, but you are natural and be yourself, if you cry too often use my shoulder for support.

  8. I can "tear up easily" too, except what i do is hide behind a facade of brooding malevolence.

    It's a bad day when that facade is justified.

  9. A lot of people are incapable of crying or being emotional, and it's to their own detriment.  These are the people who try to make you feel bad... the ones who say you are "weak."  It's completely wrong.  THEY are week because they do not have a normal and healthy outlet for their emotions.  

    So be emotional, and don't let those emotionaly handicapped people tear you down.

  10. It can be bad. You need to get thicker skin before you go into the adult world.

  11. It's normal.  Especially if you are young.


  12. I'm a man (i.e. a defective member of the species per modern Feminist dogma) and thereby cannot possibly provide helpful information (even though I may be able to) as my opinions are likely inherently defective as per modern Feminist dogma.  So in short, you may want to see a FEMALE PHYSICIAN (preferably a modern Feminist, the uniquely rational member of the species) and disregard any and all information provided by males are we are, by feminist/misandrirst definition, defective.

    A physician who is a modern Feminist may tell you that such behaviour may be well within the bounds of normative development, depending on your age, but without proper clinical evaluation, anyone speculating about your condition is acting negligently to offer opinions in the absence of authority in this matter or proper credentialing, indeed, this is likely regarded as the practice of medicine without a license, and is a criminal offense in my jurisdiction.

    But again, I emphasize, DO NOT see a male physician (as we are, indeed, defective and lack any degree of rational ability and are moreover "testosterone-drive," whatever the h**l that means) so by definition, a male cannot possibly provide you with the high quality of information that a modern Feminist/Misandrist can provide you with.  Also note, by virtue of my spelling and/or syntactical errors this is definitive evidence that I am likely an utter misogynist and highly-uneducated and lack the capacity to think.


    "Men are the enemies of women" – Professor Ann Oakley (1984) in 'Taking It Like a Woman'.


  13. It's normal, but you've got to have a thicker skin in order to survive in life.

  14. yeah its normal but it sounds to me like you may be overreacting at  times just ignore it and walk away if ppl are ignoring you just forget they exist then sheesh!! dont cry for everything just act like you dotn care and feel like you dont

  15. Yes, it is.  Get Emotional Intelligence by Goleman.  Teaches you how to deal with this type of stuff.  On the one hand, I am like you, I am emotional;  on the other hand, I can give two s**+ts if people ignore me.  I understand you have feelings, and I have more than I can handle, but if these things go unchecked, they can ruin your life.

  16. It is quite normal,but wise not to show it often. Then some people would like to make use of it in causing you emotional irritation and enjoy.

  17. not so bad but not good  

  18. Well don't bottle it up inside, I did that and eventually it all came out at once.

    It's not bad to be oversensitive, it makes life harder sometimes but it's fine, I think you need to find a good way to vent your feelings out :)

  19. It's just a phase your going through, everyone has different phases they go through, things will get better.

  20. Not bad.

  21. ha im like that too. sometimes i honestly feel like i'm bipolar, but it only happens sometimes. i will get really mad or sad easily on somedays then on others i'm carefree. idk. idk what to tell you, i just don't want you to think your the only one out there. haha.

  22. It means you are a sensitive person and their isn`t anything wrong with that. You have to learn to be ok with who you are so that when something is said or done that hurts your feelings,you will be able to shrug it off because you`ll know that it isn`t you. It`s the insensitive person or persons that hurt you. Adult men AND women like sensitivity as it shows that you care about something.So don`t worry about it.As long as you aren`t over reacting to a situation,you`ll be just fine.

  23. Sounds like a hormonal imbalance to me

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