
I'm a good driver, don't need to wear a seatbelt?

by Guest59011  |  earlier

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True / False?




  1. False.What about the other drivers? The only one your going to hurt in an accident is yourself(only applies if your in the front seats) unless you go flying ot the window and into the other vehicle and hit the driver or one of the passengers. On the other hand try explaining that one to the cops. Yeah, I'm a good driver so don't give me a ticket.

  2. seat  belts are   designed for   safety , to  keep  your   head  from  going thru  windshield ,  wisen  up . dont  be  an  idiot   you  pin  head

  3. False.Whether or not you're a good driver, your still supposed to wear your seat blelt.

  4. False.  It's not me that I am worried about.  It's all the other morons out there.  Besides, it's the law.

  5. I don't want you coming through my windscreen, 'good driver'.  Please wear a seatbelt.  I don't want your guts on my car.

  6. you're an idiot.

  7. Always wear a seat belt. There are some freakin' idiots out there on the roads.

  8. False ditz, is that even a serious questions, i mean its againts the law and plus others arn't as good at driving as you. Think about what you just asked.

  9. False. You may be a excellent driver, but that doesn't protect you from the other numbskulls on the roadway. PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

  10. false

    you may be a good driver but that doesnt mean everyone else on the road is

  11. false there are still other dumbasses out there.

  12. might be a good driver.. but some other people arent.

  13. False - Regardless of how good a driver you are, you can't control the other nuts out there.  As someone who was in EMS for more than 20 years, I can tell you that seat belts do save lives and if your car is equipped with an air bag you need to wear your seat belt to ensure you are held in the correct position in the event of an accident, otherwise the airbag may not help you and could even injure you more.  All this asside, it is also the law.

  14. False. Even the best driver cannot control others on the road.

  15. This is just like saying, "I can see so I don't have to put my lights on."

    What's the purpose of this question? Doesn't make sense, besides, it's the law.

  16. False.  I'm a psycho driver, and we might be on the road at the same time.  If I hit you, you'll want to have a seatbelt on.

  17. Do you have any idea how many bodies are plucked off roadways, or dug out from under wrecked vehicles, driven by people who "thought" nothing was going to happen and they didn't need them?

    Just remember, you may be the safest driver in the world, but thereis no guarantee the character in another vehicle is, too.

  18. False.

    How good a driver YOU are is not the concern.

    How good everyone else is is the concern.

    Put it on. Statistics back up your added security if you are wearing safety belts.


  20. False!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People are crazy

  21. is this a joke?...

    the answer is false...

  22. If you don't click it you get a ticket. Even race car drivers wear seat belts and their the pros!!!!

  23. False. Just because you are a good driver, it doesnt mean the other people on the road are. Wear the seatbelt to be safe, because you cant predict what the other people will do.

  24. False- Some People might not be good Drivers and they could hit you or a Drunk Guy Could Hit you and then you'd be Killed---UNLESS you wear a SEATBELT  if you wore a seatbelt you could just be INJURED not KILLED!!!! So please!! Keep yourself safe

  25. negative chief

    I used to drive the streets of detroit, mi and the people there drive fast and stupid.

    Not using turn signals, just whiping in and out of traffic.

    Driving with there head up there back sides.

    Plus you had to watch out for the drug dealers being chased by the cops, no matter that there mothers were in the car with them, thats a truly sad day.

    Plus idiots try to beat the lights at 50 plus miles per hour and if your in the way, even if you have the green, they still feel that your in the wrong and will slam into you.

    They will still act like you were wrong when the police get there, because you will be unconcious or dead.

    Play around with your life and you will pay the price, because there are people out there who dont give a c**p about anyone else they are truly brainless behind the wheel.

  26. an idiot would say true

    what about those drunks?

  27. False. You might be a good driver, but that doesn't mean that everyone else on the road around you is. It's not just about your driving...more importantly you have to watch what everybody else is doing.

  28. This is definately false.  YOU may be an excellent driver its the other MORONS you have to worry about :)  Everyone thinks they are the best driver out there, better to be safe than sorry.

  29. False. You can be the best driver in the world and still get hit by another car. Plus...I little strap over your chest is a small price to pay if it saves your life.

  30. why don't you take defensive driving?........... i'm on my second time... no fun but i've learned my lesson... not to mention... that ticket is over $200... not fun... and you can't take defensive driving for that. just gotta pay. also unless you're a professional driver... you're just like everyone else... just as likely for an accident.

  31. False

    Truth is.... You most likely suck as a driver.

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