
I'm a great fan of brett lee... i jus go fida on him... arey yaar sumbody tel his e-mail id pls?

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I'm a great fan of brett lee... i jus go fida on him... arey yaar sumbody tel his e-mail id pls?




  1. As a friend of Brett's, I can tell you that you don't have a hope! Think of the chaos in his life if all his fans emailed/phoned him everyday! That could be up to tens of thousands! see what I mean. His manager is Neil Maxwell, send anything to him or cricket Australia & the may pass it to Brett, but only if it is respectful & short.

    Edit: I just saw New Assie's comment & I checked the pics mentioned. You're right mate, they are mostly Shane Watson! Brett is in the one with his wife Lizzie, & also with the racing greyhound named Brett Lee after him.

  2. Sacha Fox, most of those pics are of Shane Watson. There are only two at the bottom of Lee, with his wife and the dog.

  3. its very difficult to  get the emails or phone no s of Celebrities

    so its impossible to get !!

  4. Are you being smutty?

    He does have great buns though, doesn't he?!?

  5. Ya i am Brett Lee....Here under a false name!!!

    But seriously i am not Lee but i can act like him if it makes you feel better.Really

  6. most of us on here know that Binga has got Lee's contact details and such, but we also have the common sense and respect to not ask for them! does anyone asking these questions REALLY think they are going to get someones details on here, where everyone can find it! Puh-Lease!

  7. I don't have his ID sorry but yeah he's cute.

  8. pls lemme have it too if you get it..

  9. I don'nt think so that he will tell his e-mail id to public.

    You can try to find it on

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