
I'm a greedy husband steeling thief - why can't I keep my paws off married men?

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How can I stop?




  1. Smith and Wesson

  2. A good percentage of women who cheat with married men have some sort of issues and in some sick way feel validated by being the other woman. How to stop? Keep your legs closed and eyes off men with wedding rings. Best of luck to you.


  3. lame and haggard you are... oh yeah and a troll

  4. Pretend you are their wives.

    Get Hurt. Lose your house and Kids, Split your bank accounts, and Never trust another man again,

    After you do all that,, Get back to me, I'd like to hear about it

  5. its all about your character,or lack of it.unfortunately u must enjoy doing it, makes u feel superior to the poor wife.u do it because u have never been hurt this way or lost a man u loved, if u had u would never do it again.

  6. i would say that you have so much hairspray on you do it to keep from falling.wash all of it out and you should be able to stand on your own 2 feet

  7. Amen to all the women above. $^!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. go get your own f****** man!

  9. because they represent everything that that you fantasize about having a realistic wholesome relationship you just cant deal with the wife part that other women commit to thats the hard part and you just want the fun and easy part of relationships sooner or later your looks gonna run out and your going to be a old bimbo with no one worthwhile to share life and your feelings with  

  10. You must not really want to be in a committed relationship, otherwise you wouldn't get involved with unattainable men. If you happen to fall in love with a man who is married that's a little different because you can't help who you fall in love with. But if you only go after married men you are avoiding the possibility of a normal, healthy relationship. Perhaps you are afraid of commitment and this is the only way to guarantee you won't get into a committed relationship.  

  11. the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem! :-)

  12. because its all about testing the married men... poor wives but its the husbands fault for letting it happen

  13. Go to a singles club


  14. For most addiction ..prayer is needed.

  15. Because you like the challenge. Some dogs like the hunt and not the catch. Could you be one of them?

  16. Just imagine what 's going to happen to you when one of these wives comes knocking on your door! OR if you have any heart at all, just picture one of these wives crying her eyes out because her husband is with you - and then picture her children crying because daddy doesn't show up at school events or baseball games or birthday parties or even when his little girl is sick.... because he's too busy with you! Maybe when you grow up a little you'll also grow a conscience!

    BTW - something to do in the spare time you'll have when you give up your current husband stealing hobby: Study spelling! Spell check will not tell you that you wanted "steal" meaning to take away something that is not yours not "steel" meaning a metal used in construction!

  17. why steal?

    just borrow... swinging is fun!!!

  18. LMAO

  19.   It's a game for you!!  Very insecure winch!   I think you are bragging about things you should be ashamed of!   What good are you doing?, or are you wanting attention on here?  A&Q    

  20. It's very easy! You just have to really want to stop.Talking doesn't do it...acting differently does.Apparently you don't respect yourself,but you might after the change...The fact that your admitting your bad habits,tells me that there's hope for you.

  21. Are you sure its not conditioning like is that all that approach you because a single man wont have you only a man that will take any one for s*x on the side.

  22. try a Nunnery

  23. Find single ones, I personally think that it's the married man's fault.  You're not stealing anything if the guy says he's ok and up for grabs. Unless you knew all along and went for him anyways. If you catch my drift..

  24. WHY?! Because your stupid dumb broke back fool. Or a stupid ******

  25. are probably an old maid that wants a little drama on the internet.  

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