
I'm a gun enthusiast, but see a lot about Airsoft guns....?

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Are airsoft guns a replacement for BB guns, i.e. target shooting, or do people use them like a paintball guns, actually shooting at each other? They seem to be quite popular, but do not know anyone who has one. Just curious....





  1. I too grew up on BB guns, REAL guns (rifles, pistols, black powder), and even got into paintball, so call me an enthusiast too, but I just don't get "airsoft".

    They are replica guns that shoot little plastic beads, and I see the teens shooting each other with them, find them all over my yard, and think it's just g*y!

    If you want to have fun shooting each other, get a freaking paintball gun...that is a BLAST!

    One of the replicas look EXACTLY like my full size, .40 cal, Glock G22 (real firearm!) with a magazine, mag release, racking slide, etc...I guess they want to get their dumb @$$e$ shot toating those look-a-likes around like gangstas??? :O

  2. If your into airsoft and bb guns your a toy enthusiast not a gun enthusiast because those aren't firearms. A firearem shoots a projetile fired by an explosion, not co2 or pumped air. Airsoft guns shoot plastic or rubber pellets, its probably not safe but you can actually have fights with your friends and shoot airsoft guns at each other, you couldn't do that with a bb gun as they are much stronger.

  3. No. Air-soft gun are not a replacement for BB guns. Air-Soft guns are like a paintball guns you can shoot them at each other

    Air soft gun shoot alot slower then BB Guns and on the "Safety Labels" of BB Guns they say "Not to be shot at people"

    Air-soft gun on the other hand are made to be shot at each other. I know they have Air-soft Torments just for that.

    And I know thay have like 100s of diffrent Air-Soft Guns you can get.

  4. Airsoft is a great way to have fun. The whole airsoft community consist of nice noble people. Few people collect airsoft guns instead of using all there money toward the real steel.

    Most airsofters have giant events with over 40 and they take real roles in Operations.

    There are also open plays to meet friends have fun and instead of having a mislim theme, they do caputre the flag, planting bomb, and other fun games.

  5. Airsoft guns are pretty multi-purpose. I know people who use them for shooting targets in their house and ofters who have airsoft leagues where it's pretty much a replacement for paintball. As the pellets can be purchased to be biodegradable (or glow in the dark, or whatever), they're pretty handy if you like to shoot, but don't want a "dangerous weapon" in your house. My husband and I have a pair. They were initially used for a Halloween costume he did, but we've taken to using them to discipline our cat.

  6. Airsoft guns are NOT a replacement for BB guns. Airsoft guns fire so weak, the can be pushed drastically off course by a very light breeze. I bought one and it was the worst 100 $ I Ever spent. I'm stickin to my 1851 (Blackpowder) Colt Navy Revolver!

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