
I'm a guy and dream about having s*x with guys?

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what does it mean




  1. Unless you are truly g*y, your dream is your subconscious  trying to tell you that you need to be more caring, show your softer feelings a little more.

    In dreams, having s*x with the same s*x, means that you are too much of what you are. If we are talking about a female having s*x with a female, then maybe the dreamer is "too" female, to reliant on others, co-dependent, or one who is too needy. If we are talking about a male, maybe you are "too" male, too macho, don't have or don't show your softer side enough. Maybe you've even been told that your too "cold" or uncaring.

    Your dream is just trying to give you some hints on how to relax a little a be a more caring individual.

  2. well are you g*y? how old are you? well if you're a teenager and you are straight, it's perfectly normal to think about things like that. just because you dream it, doesn't make it true.

  3. To dream that you are homosexual (but you are not in your waking life), represents a union with aspects of yourself. It is symbolic of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion.� If, in your dream, you are not comfortable with homosexuality, then it suggests some fears/anxieties about your masculinity. You may be experiencing some insecurity in your relations with the opposite s*x.

    On a side note, it is common for expectant fathers to have dreams of homosexual encounters.

    If you are homosexual in your waking life, then the dream is simply a reflection of your own self.

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