
I'm a guy and i find pregnancy fascinating?

by  |  earlier

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Just the whole subject of it. The belly, the ultrasound, etc. is this normal?




  1. my hubby's friend is like you. he says pregnant women are s**y! ha. he was asking my hubby how our s*x life was. i was so interested, in him being interested, i had to answer his question myself :) he responsed, laughing and saying "i knew it"

  2. Of course its normal, who wouldn't be interested in how life starts?

  3. There is nothing wrong with that.  It is a very interesting experience. I just wish that the guys could kind of realize what we go through.  It would change the whole pregnancy experience for them.  If they could feel the kicking from the get go all of it.  I wish that there were more guys fascinated with pregnancy (with their woman or not).  The ultrasounds are truly amazing.  I am still amazed everytime I get one and look at the picture!

  4. yeh why wudnt it be?

    i know a few guys that cant wait to be dads and go threw all whole expearience with there partners  

  5. Sure is, there is a guy  at my work that is the same way.. he said that he can't wait to be married so he can see the birth of his children :)

  6. It is absolutley fascinating..Alot of people take it for granted, it is a true miracle how life starts!

  7. Yes, it's great:)

    Actually, many men seem to find their wives or SO s**y while pregnant.

  8. well pregnancy is fascinating. Because a women is carrying a little human life inside of her, that will some day become a grown man or woman.  

  9. Sure that's normal.

    But I find pregnancy disgusting, and disturbing.

    In my freaken opinion people!

  10. Of course. You're human, so its natural to be interested in how we're brought into this world.  And it is interesting, the way the sperm goes to the egg, and how the fetus develops and the way the body grows to accomodate a growing baby.... all of it is interesting and its how we all got started so its normal to find it fascinating.  Its not only real life, but its science, and not only is it science, its a miracle.  So you're is fascinating! :)  

    (I have a guy friend who thinks the same way, we actually talk about it somewhat often...)

  11. I don't know if it's normal, but there is nothing wrong with it.  Pregnancy is an amazing thing.

  12. Yes,it's normal.Pregnancy is a wonderful experience.Maybe you should study to become an OB/GYN :oP  

  13. Oh yes. That's definitely normal. My partner thinks it's fascinating as well how a baby can develop in a woman's uterus and everything about pregnancy in general. He just hates it when I become moody and take it all out on him. But he's very understanding and he's adjusted to my moods. I love men like you guys. :)

  14. i am not sure if it is totally normal but its definitely a good thing. pregnancy is a beautiful thing

  15. Yes it is a very interesting subject, just think an actual human body is growing inside  you with your genes and everything and its depending on you.....Well not you!! lol

  16. i think your awesome...women who have uninvolved men...not even men that walk out..just men who aren't as into the pregnancy as we would like them to be...WANT MEN LIKE YOU...i do anyway

    i wish my bf would have been absolutly fascinated...i would have felt so much more at peace with my changing body...and he doesn't want ne more kids either...i however, loved being pregnant...maybe one day ill leave him for a man that agrees!

  17. Of course it's normal. It's something you'll never experience and pregnancy is a mysterious and beautiful process =)

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