
I'm a guy and i have a health question

by  |  earlier

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so, inside my left nipple is a lump, its about the size of a kidney been (maybe a tiny bit bigger) and, its been there a while. it hurts really bad if i lay on it too hard, or squeeze it. when i squeeze it, it's kind of hard, but not rock hard. anyone know what this is?! please!

btw, i'm 14.




  1. i think its just part of going through puberty. some guys tend to get enlarged b*****s or symptoms of breast development, which will stop after you're past puberty. however, if it hurts real bad or you're worried get it checked by a doc. better to be safe than sorry

  2. I actually went to the doctor for the same exact thing he told me that it was a common occurrence with pubecent adolessents and that they usually go away withen a month, and that every time you squeze it you agravate it, and it gets bigger, and i know that from expierence.

  3. normal, it will go away.

  4. Your growing b***s!!!

    Just kidding, ask parents or see doc.

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