
I'm a happy person but my bi-sexuality makes me sad?

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I'm 16 in london. It's so frustrating that i can't find a nice feminine girl like me to go out with.

i can't really come out because people my age usually aren't mature enough to accept me.

i want to find a girl but i dont know how



bjs x x x




  1. u should love ur self for who u are and be honest  this advice is coming fron a very s**y bisexual from pattison  if ud like hit me up on FLING,COM LOOK FOR KUNITRA MY ZIP IS 77466 TYPE THAT IN THERE AND THERE WILL BE MY PROFILE  LOOKIN FOWARD TO TALKIN TO U

  2. Thousands of totally straight girls of your age have the same's nothing to do with your sexuality.

  3. well have fun with your life.

    your young.

    relationship in general are just full of drama.

    don't worry if your bi.

    you will find someone who likes youu.

  4. hey im exactly the same situation same age and everything the only difference is i live in north yorkshire thats like 3 hours away from london but the only plp i have met are in different countries lol email me or something  

  5. try going on the internet my friend met a girl on a dating site the girl lives in london they have now moved in together my friend was only 17 at the time i dont know the sites but why dont you ask on here im sure somebody can help good luck i hope you can find what you want

  6. I felt the same as you. I'm feminine and only wanted a feminine girlfriend. All the lesbians I did know (and I knew of very very few lesbians) were all butch and just not my type. I have absolutely nothing against butch women and would NEVER say never, but they just aren't really what I go for.

    You might feel right now that you'll never find anyone feminine but I can assure you there are loads of feminine lesbians out there. I have had feminine girlfriends and my current girlfriend is feminine. I met my ex through friends, and my current girlfriend...I met her off the Internet. Try internet websites like faceparty. Obivously meeting people off the Internet can be dangerous so be wary was the best thing I ever did. She lives close to me too, so be careful you don't end up chatting to someone halfway across the world.

    Other than that, get to know more people. If you make friends with 1 L*****n (butch or femme), she will introduce you to more, and soon you'll know more and more lesbians.  

  7. If no one compatible is crossing your path, then you just need to have patience until she does.  Plenty of other folks do just that, my dear.

    And doesn't being bisexual mean you have the fluidity to love both genders?  If you're truly bisexual, then flip whatever switch you folks have and just focus on boys.  Problem solved.

  8. I usually stick to the rule of

    "You can never fall in love, If you don't fall at all."

    At the very least you tried.

  9. You have it made compared to some g*y people, g*y people who came out 10, 20, 30 years ago, they have paved the way for us. You would have a support group online and I am sure in your area.

  10. Well, first of all I would like to say that your maturity impresses me; I realised I was bisexual at 12 but I didn't have the guts to admit it to myself until I was 20! I believe that once you are true to yourself and confident with your identity, you will attract the kind of people into your life that you want. You could try an online dating service, believe me there are plenty of women who will love you for who you are and don't worry about people being immature (believe me some people never grow out of it!) but in time it will bother you less and less. Good luck, I believe you will find what you are looking for very very soon :) x*x

  11. You need to look into finding a support group in your area for teens; most larger cities have them.  I'm sure you will be able to find some good people to hang out with there or they can help point you in the right direction...good luck!

  12. Read down until you get to your location. Its a list of support groups for young g**s lesbians and bisexuals. Im sure you'll find someone your age there and so on and so forth.

  13. Give it time and effort you will get there in the end good luck!

  14. You're young.

    Focus on important things that you have and want to work for later on in life.

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