
I'm a high school sophmore student in Texas, what do i need to do to drop out?

by  |  earlier

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i want to drop out cuz i cannot STAND school. i cried for like 3 hours last night. i cant do it. dont worry about MY life, i just would like to know.




  1. Don't be stupid...toughen up and finish what you start!!!

  2. Please don't drop out!! you will regret it all your life!! at least get a high school diploma, please don't do it

  3. We need more information. Unless you're super talented at something that can earn you enough money to support yourself, you have absolutely no reason for dropping out. If you hate your high school that much, see if you can transfer to another one. Honestly, high school might suck, but where are you going to go with only a sophomore high school education?

    Edit: Yeah, you should probably talk to your counselor about it.

  4. Why would u wanna drop out? That's Crazy.

  5. DON'T!!

  6. You dont need to drop out of school, ur probably just going through a rough time. Just try and stick it out for awhile and see if anything gets better over time. If you really hate where you are maybe try another school? if thts possible. Besides, you are too young to drop out. Things could get better :)

  7. Y do you want to drop out?

    I don't think you can drop out at that age.

  8. Why the heck would want to drop out?!! You are so young and naive, you need education to build your career and life. I guess you should go to the counseling office and discuss this with your counselor. My suggestion is don't drop out, you will regret it when your old and broke.  

  9. If you aren't smart enough to figure out how to drop out of school, then you are not smart enough to support yourself in the real world... Stay in schooooooooool !!!

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